This recipe is kinda like the cheese bake lobster lidat one la ... but i made it so u dont hafta baked it, easier for those who do not have oven.
I'd been eating at my parents place since the 1st day of CNY till now and yesterday I invited them over to my house for dinner. Yar its my turn to cook this time
I actually was hoping that i could get lobster one, but since lobster is no where to be seen then I settle for this big prawn la! The prawn each weight about 300gms about the size of a small size lobster also.

1.] 1st you gotta clean them up and cut off all their legs, antenna etc.. with a pair of scissors.

2.] Boil them in a pot of clean water, add some salt into the boiling water before you put the prawns in. Dont over boil the prawns or else the meat will shrunk and the texture will be tougher. When boiling prawns or lobsters, observes the color of the shell. Once the shell turned bright red/orangy that means its already cooked.

3.] Take your prawns/lobsters outta the boiling pot and leave to air dry/cool.

4.] Get yourself a knife with saw like edges, by using this kinda knife, it will be easier for your to cut thru the shell of the prawns/crayfishs/lobsters. Just saw them shell into two starting from their belly right up to their head.

Nicely cutted into half.

Proceed the same process till you are all done.
5.] Now, after you slit them prawns/crayfish/lobsters up, you will hafta pan fry them again. The purpose of Pan frying at this point is to add aroma and to melt the cheese only. Not to cook the meat because they are already cooked remembered?

You could use parmesan cheese or mozarella or even sliced cheese, the choice is entirely yours.

Pan frying in progress

6.] Add a few teaspoon olive oil and butter into the pan and start frying them up (use low heat). Spread the cheese of your choice on top of the prawns followed by a bit of black pepper and salt. Do not overdo the salt part because later we will gonna make sauce for this prawns, you could add more taste/salt in the sauce later.

7.] Use a pan cover to cover the pan, the cheese will melt faster this way and you wont overcook your prawns. When the cheese starting to melt, you could add abit of parsley flakes on top of the cheese, again this is up to each individual bcoz as i know it some do not like the taste and flavour of parsley. Other than additional flavour, the parsley flakes also added additional colors to the prawns.

8.] Before you removes the prawns from the frying pan, you could use a tablespoon and pick up the hot oil from the pan and pour it in top of the prawn to give it more aroma and add a tad bit of greasy look also.

9.] Remove the prawns from the frying pan and into the serving plate.
The Sauce.

What I used :a. 3 tablespoon of butter
b. Half can of evaporated milk
c. Half a cup of mozarella cheese
d. Sugar to taste
e. Salt to taste
f. A pinch of parsley flakes
g.Two teaspoon of corn flour diluted in luke warm water
Melt the butter first. once the butter melted then pour in evaporated milk and cheese. add sugar, salt and parsley after that. Last add corn starch to thickens the sauce.
Use low heat for your sauce else you will burnt your cheese.
When you are done with your sauce you could spread them over your prawns like the illustration shown below.

Thats all the time we have today, tune in next time for another episode of Wingz Can Cook!!!
Happy Trying!!!
P.S. My parents and bro says this dish looks as nice as those served by italian restaurant and taste even better!!! Others Episode of Wingz Can cook :
- Wingz Can Cook : Pan Fried Prawn with Creamy Cheese Sauce
- Wingz can Cook - Homemade Carrot Ramen
- Wingz Can Cook - Homemade Egg Tart
- Wingz Can Bake - Wingz's Home Made Pizza
- Wingz Can Cook - Pocket Fish Fillet
- Wingz Can Cook - Chinese Sausage Claypot Rice (Larp Mei Fhan)
- Wingz Can Cook - World Simplest Western Food
- Wingz Can Bake - How to Make Basic White Bread
- Wingz Can Bake - CNY Cookies