I am dedicating this post to Cocka Doodle this joke reminded me of him. *winks*

There is this farm in a village, the farmer got 3 roosters/cocks (rooster/chicken/ayams). All this 3 cocks have different kind of character. Their character are listed below :
1. Normal Cock
2. Retarded Cock
3. Gay Cock
The farmer really love all his cocks and he even gave them names. He call them :
1. Normal Cock - Cock-a-Doodle-Dooo !!!
2. Retarded Cock - Doodle-Cock-a-Dooo !!!
Try and guess what is the name the farmer gave to the Gay Cock ?
Scroll down for answer la .....
How ? you like the new arrow anot ? This one i whack from Helen's blog wan lol! Luff what luff ? scroll sommo laaa!
The Farmer Named the Gay Cock :
3. Gay Cock - Any-Cock-Will-Doooo!!!

Gay cock--any cock will do? hahah!! this is sooo correct!! =)
ReplyDeletetell the farmer never to eat the gay cock coz he might get aids!
ReplyDeletegay people are not exactly cock-hungry as you would imagine them to be
ReplyDeletegay cock - any cock will do definately true... LMAO..~
ReplyDeletediao nya ngai diao! you everyday oso got somethinhg new!
ReplyDeleteROFL LMAO
ReplyDeletethanks for the joke,
these few days always got tammy news only -_-"
ReplyDeleteLMAO any-cock-will-dooo. lolz.
ReplyDeletenow this is original and hilarious...
ReplyDeleteLMAOROFL !
ReplyDeletebot nya thai larng! un nyong du dek? lai wui yiu un nyong keh bot woon gai? Siao si ngai lor!........
ReplyDeletehakka liang moi
all the cock oso got flu la. Gaoment said wan !
ReplyDeletehere's a little similiar joke.
ReplyDeletemr and mrs kok first have a son, and they name him
steve kok
next they have another son and name him
harry kok
later on, they have a daughter and name her
(steve - stiff, harry - hairy, annie - any, because she's a girl so can take any cock! LOL!)
lol...true!! lol
ReplyDeleteWingz....the gay cock instead of crowing how does he sounds like ah?
ReplyDeleteQuack! Quack! ah? LOL
ReplyDeleteoops. the anonymous there telling the joke was me. was using a friend's PC and didn't realise my name was not there.
ReplyDeleteboss stewie: this is only a joke wei, it does not reflects how the gay would behave :)
ReplyDeleteahpek : ngia meh diao....
yhtan : np
hakka moi : ngi heh lai yin? chorn loi luuu
cocka : quack quack that one is gigolo cock laaa
Musta been a blonde.... nice one tho... must pop a bottle for that....
ReplyDeletekeep it comin dude....