Mehnee dip dip tenkiu to MAS for this nice nice high krass lousang dinner ... if not hor i think this year i will be lousang-less edi!
We lousangED at the Mum's place .... i know what you thinking wan ... no! i m not sending regards to your mum ok? the name of the restorant is called "The Mum's Place" no bruff you wan! You see for yourself la!
We also get a glimpse of what MAS Airbus A380 would looks like .... altho its a model plane but i m sure the real thing would be similar also ... in ratio lar! not in actual size of coz! U think i stupid meh! I hope they inbite me to go into the thier new Airbus n take pikture when they receive their delivery edi ... phuhh that would be freaking awesome innit? *hint hint*
At first they put this on the middle of the table .... i thot
"WUAH! this restorant really good leh! the first dish is an Aeroplen!!! I wonder what they use to make it look so lively wan!"
Niahma! really Ahbeng lar i tell u! Then i found out its not edible wan ok!!! ARGHHH!!! shhh ... lucky other bloggers dint find out about it!!! dun tell tham ah!

I been eyeing at this pineapple tarts long long edi ... i dem sked they will ask us to buy it instead bcoz i dem pokai that time ... pocket got 80 cents oni sial!!! But they so nice to give it to us for free la!
This Lenglui very nice ... blanja us makan sommo tell us tenkiu bcoz we kam to makan lol! I also tenkiu you for blanja me makan leh!
Neber befoh i got taste so super keng chow mia kari kai as this! Delicious till eat ledi can get wet dlims wan!
There is actually more food wan but i too busy eating la! no time to take piktures! lol
Ok enuff about food jor ... i dunwan make u curse at me for making u hungwy .. now about the peeples!!!
nice to meet you hansem ;-)
ReplyDeletefunnly lah wingz your entry
ai lap mas deep deep too :)
ReplyDeleteu just ruined my appetite! it's lunch time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i have the pineapple tart?
ReplyDeletewhy u din photoshop kennysia's face???
I also want! :(
ReplyDeleteRojak rojak I want angpao! :D