Was toking to Ladyboss yesday about
Valentine day and what kinda flowers i should send to my wife ... she asked me to fast fast pay and get it confirm asap ... at that time i was wondering whats the rush? .... today oni i realised its alredi 13th feb!!! Omg ... u think if book now tomolo can arrive ka?
This post is overdue long long ledi .... I thot I will be dem free till can grow mushroom at home during CNY and boy am I wrong! Time flies when you having fun!
This is some of the photos I took in Pangkor Island
The lonely windmill
Ferry or Cruiseship ?
Boat also got use tayar wan ok?
The boat that we chartered
2-3km long of queue, the amount of people wanting to goto Pangkor Island During CNY
Small jetty for small boats
Nice boat for hire
"bang ... cam mana nih? nak Q sampai biler?"
I think if you Q up .... maybe u kena wait 3-4 hours before you could get on the ferry.
Motorbikes on a ferry
My boat bigger than yours! hahaha! where else you can park your boat in front of your house wan?
Wave to the peopleeesss!!!
Mini Lighthouse?
Another ferry passing by
Busy passage with lotsa fishing boats going up and down
Looking back
Ever wonder how those people who staying in a boat dry their clothes?
I think its quite an adventure to be able to go on a fishing trip with this kinda fishing boat.

From the rear

Jetty, Pangkor Island
Thats the passage to their garage where they park their boat
The amount of people wanting to go back to the mainland lumut

Welokam to Pangkor Island!
The first Road sign you see when you get off the boat
The first vehicle you lay your eyes on once you got off the boat
The Only things you get to see in Pangkor .... dried sea food!!!
The first ATM machine I saw
Pangkor Island Ming Lian Hotel ... got AIRCOND WAN!
This hotel abit spesel ... most ppl to hotel they chui fu (take off their pants) one ... this hotel pulak its name is Chuan Fu (in mandarin it means wear pants)
Snacks made of processed dried seafood
Mussels, squids etc...
Mini squids
Telecommunication tower in the middle of the "city"
Oyster fry eggs
White Lice

Steamed Sea Bass
Dats concluded my one day trip to Pangkor island, its a good place to buy seafood if you ask me :)