This post is actually a few months late LOL! Got an invitation from my brader
Supah-Wilson to go makan he blanja, Ahbeng dun say
"NO" when peeple say wanna blanja wan ok! Its bad luck to deny a free makan can?!
I pick up another Ahbeng (
Yatz) and with his keng-chow co-piloting skills we arrived at this place in no time.

Restoran Sri Karak

Pork free and all ingredients used is tanggung HALAL one.

Signature dessert - Durian Bomb! Osama's Faberet!!

Durian Tart ... a must try for durians lover!
After sit sit, tok kok n take pikchers for a while then food kam edi ....

Cape Ostrich Koay Teow (RM 9)
1st dish is Cape Ostrich Koay Teow ... taste like Wat Tan Hor and instead of other meat, Ostrich were used. I like Ostrich meat ... its tasty and alot more healthier than beef not to mention very tender too!

Tempoyak Ikan Temerloh Patin (Regular RM 40, Medium RM 80, Large RM 120)
Normally i dunch like freshwater fish one but Patin I like ah!! Patin flesh very smooth one and this Tempoyak Ikan Temerloh Patin dish use very fresh patin! Yea there is durian in this dish also ... very fusion like! unlike nothing you tasted before!

Deep fried bean curd with homemade sauce (RM 6)
3rd dish is Deep fried bean curd with homemade sauce, crispy on the outside ... smooth like silk on the inside ... coupled with homemade sos ... mama-mia~

“Sang Har” Noodle (RM 9 for 100 grams).
4th dish is the cholesterol laced super Yummylicious BIG PRAWNS noodles!!! Chainise got one saying ... eat first think later!!! Very the true!!! So i wallap the whole thing without thinking lol! Later I learnt that this dish is also one of Seri Karak Signature dish also.

Sri Karak curry fish head (Small:RM 25 Large:RM 49)
I m not a fan of spicy stuffs so i skipped this good looking Seri Karak curry fish head but those who ate it swear by its taste! So go figure!
Sri Karak curry laksa mee (RM 6.5)
6th is Curry mee! its not as spicy as it looks so I tried it, its as good as it looks and a bang for your bucks too!

House Special Claypot Chicken (Small:RM 12 Large:RM 24)
This House Special Claypot Chicken, is a MUST-TRY, very very aromatic and suprisingly tasty! No regret if you order this! Nope .. no durian in this neither!

Stir fried salted vegetable and bitter gould (Small: RM 8 Large:RM 15)
You know, when i first sank my teeth into this dish .. i felt like i missed my kampung ... yea thats what i felt like ... very tradtiional taste and makes u miss your kampung too! too bad i dont have one LOL! No durian in this one tho!

Dessert time!!! Durian ABC (RM 6)
This is it baby!!! Dessert time!!! DURIAN ABC!!! If you dont try ... u gonna cry! Mark my word!!! Taste heavenly!! Never try durian ABC before but this one is SUPERB!!! I dont care if you have to pawn your spender but must try this!!!

Durian pancake
Durian pancake ... I m not a pancake fan but actually this is not bad at all you know?

Durian Tart!
This is the KING of all tarts!!! One bite n u will Jung-jiu one!!! U will tahpau many many bring home and dream abou tit day and night one!!! No wonder this King tart is their TOP seller la!

Durian BOMB!!
Too bad Osama dont live in Malaysia la! If not the fler everyday also will goto Sri Karak and eat this BOMB wan! LOL ... dun take my word for it! Goan try it yourself and see la!
Durian lovers ... this is like the ultimate place for you to eat at! You wont be able to find a place that could satisfy your durian mania like this one!
Restoran Sri Karak
17, Jalan 52/8, Section 52,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel : 03-7958 3240
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