Ahh.... i didnt know messing up blogs are soooooo easy..... kuakakakakakak... but i am counting my death days when wingz steps off the plane.. so let's all wish wingz find a chun
(eh put one link here sin)
So since i anticipate the day he returns and hire a assasin to
(eh put one link here sin)
So here's the real deal... of course wingz has been blogging about how gangster is these days .. ... but he fail to remember that he was one of the pailang gang last time oso.... know how to say ppl but dunno how to say himself.... tsk tsk tskk.... You see the video below la.. that one is the power keng ok.. in the STREETS ok.. got see a giant kena belasah because he never mandi or not.. 1st in Malaysia ok!!!!
Now you see which one more hai lat la... This one by kenny is fake one geh....
(eh put one link here sin)
girl beat girl - new case, wanna show power
guy beat guy - cos they stupid, mother never cane them enough
guy beat girl - this one sure kena sue geh
girl beat guy - never seen before lehhhhhh.... with handbag summore. Mou Tien Lei ah!
ah kua beat guy - cos the guy never pay money after kongkek
ah kua beat girl - ought to see it yet but if it happens, cos the girl and ah kua pertandingan fight for the guy
ah kua beat ah kua - it happens, but that is the ah kua mia bf go and fark the other ah kua...
aihhh guys already so chin one lar.. summore chin between 2 ah kuas... aihhhh what has the world bekam leh......
Original recorded by him.
And... summer ge leh woh... no wonder wingz go thailand la... his breast implants have to go service liao.. have to wear bikini mar.. me and linpeh kenot go.. so... we send barbie lor (as per dawn's request and also part of my plan to deco the site)

(eh put one link here sin)
wuahahaha..taukeh blog got ah kua show ledi.
ReplyDeletehhahahaha the background voice of the guys asking not to wack sound like the ones in the original miri recording la :P
ReplyDeletebrb i better go mandi first.....
ReplyDeletetaukeh pai liao thailand kap. now trening with ah kua kap, so better cuci all your sifut ledi ledi kap, later cum back fark 9 u all 99 kap. so don ple2 w his blog kap
here is another one check this out
its suck.. but funny..
ReplyDeletewhy dont post something clear and sexy, welcome to the blog world
ReplyDeleteWah...2day put Barbie here..When he come back, sure muntah darah..
ReplyDeleteUr link so small la...Put big big ma..so all go and click it, curi Rojaks bandwidth :P
Latuk, no worry. Me wun forget u if u got buy me nice-nice & expensive souvenir
baahahahahaa!!! wings cum bek that time you all die lah. his blog becum links whore oredi!!!
ReplyDeleteah pek:more male than gals ler so its more links gigolo...muahaha...
ReplyDeleteHEHEEHEHE his boob implants have to service *rotf*
ReplyDeletewah lan eh
ReplyDeletewings gonna come back & kill u all
Taukeh mia breast is implant wan ah ? Tiu ! All the while, Lin Peh tot it's real one ;-)
ReplyDeletediuz..like pretend onli.The girl tat whack him wit handbag like no eat rice.
ReplyDeletehahahha...can wait to see wingz reaction when he come back...
more pls...MOREEEEEEE....
implant brest ar? he no lipo suction at his waist still no keng leh. he must lipo suction too
ReplyDeletei think that clip is actin olni leh
ReplyDeletei can leh laughing sound..
wa ka ka ka ka ka
lipo suction his breast ? LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhen taokeh cum back. He is going to go WTF WTF WTF !!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteyala.. if implant breast olni kanot work ma...
ReplyDeletelipo sucktion oso not enough leh...
you must do botox.....
and while you swimming dun pick any cone shell it can be fatal...
hi... nice to meet you all
ReplyDeletewhy this people's talking about can anyone explain?
shin asuka:
ReplyDeleteLu cakap itu term gua sumua talak paham wan la :-(
he go thailand ar? wa lan neh?
ReplyDeletehow long your journey if more than 15 minit you should komplain
do you all think taukeh ask for special whole body massage ar?
ReplyDeletemake sure you trim ur kkc bulus too
ReplyDeleteWah lau eh.....now seems like the taokeh kena kao kao from all the peeples liao ! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThat not all, they haven't put Hello Kitty and Bear Bear in yet.!
ReplyDeleteAceone,bear n kitty not enuff...put sailormoon and powderpuff girl oso
ReplyDeleterojaks bcome girlie liao
When there is Babi.. I mean BARBIE, there is Kent. Quick, quick go google for a Kent. *snikering...
ReplyDeleteif u can put barbie punya undie sama bra lagi kheng ah, hee hee
ReplyDeletewhen tau keh come back he start new shop liao, dis one he dun want anymore liao!
ReplyDeleteYes Yes Yes! Someone please do ! all the girlie girlie staff. Ihe cum back and delete it. We hoot 9 him for "media cencorship" ! LOL!
ReplyDeletepost la something non-rojaks one, like how to wax bikini line. baru syiok..
ReplyDeleteSeng kor:
ReplyDeleteYou seems to know all these..u do the research la. Lin Peh is his guest blooger. Just email me. Lin Peh will POST !
i mana tau.. u gotta ask all the girls la.. wax the car i know laa..
ReplyDeleteSeng Kor:
ReplyDeleteWah ! u so pannai wax car wan ? U work itu cuci kereta wan ah ? By the way, what other ideas do you have for Lin Peh to post here ?
sewing, arrange flowers, knitting.... or some serious shits like the KLSE index.
ReplyDeleteEh LP kor kor, where's my wedding present post?
ReplyDeletepatchee, thus linpeh famous for ffk one, he wun post.
ReplyDeleteWei...here still less than 40 condemns. Let's move over to the previous post (done by lin peh wan) cause that side got 60+ condemns. Let's make it 100+. on ah ?
ReplyDeletewingz, all linpeh's idea. if u wanna kill someone. it's him. ok?
ReplyDeleteSingle hand kenot clap wan la ! LOL!
wokeh, I setuju !! lets go.
ReplyDeleteNo need go la. cause old post mou yan tok wan la ;-) Let's stay here and make it pass 100 ! LOL! sure taokeh veli happy cause sales veli high !
might as well post how to make up... :P
ReplyDeleteAh Nei:
ReplyDeleteItu post how to make up. Lin Peh mana tahu ? U kasi idea sikit la. LOL!
ya la , how ar?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can go do some reseacrh at those nightclubs. Order GRO and instead of sing kalaoke with her, ask her how she make up wan. LOL!
hahahaha.. cut and paste wor !!
ReplyDeletelin peh:gua pun tarak tau...ask girls 4 help... :)
ReplyDeleteCut paste, copy paste...no care la. Just make sure the business here at the condemn box is good while taokeh is away ;-) LOL!
if not can go find some ah kua as they make up damn kaw kaw...
ReplyDeleteWah Lau eh...after I posted the previous condemn. I saw the 50 appear. Half way there...still working on it. Peeples....please la. tolong sikit ! LOL!
ReplyDeletehow they apply on masara on their bulu eyes...
ReplyDeleteah nel:
ReplyDeleteIf your expertise is to find Ah Kua. By all means. take picture and post it here. Make our taokeh blog jadi Ah Kua blog also can ! LOL! HAHAHAHAH !
lin peh:seem like we both nia....hehe...not enuf ler
ReplyDeletelin peh:gua mana expertise...gua suggest nia...
ReplyDeleteya lor...good idea...ah kua blog...
Halo ,halo..wingz said he'll kan bek next week, he veli busy in Thailand la.
Ahnel and Aceone:
ReplyDeleteWingz cum back time sure need to blanja us makan big big ! better still...he bring the sample tomyam GRO ! LOL!
Hahahaha, wingz punya ah kua photo wan anot? gip me yuor e-mail la
ReplyDeletelin peh:i scared he bling bac ah gua nia...
ReplyDeleteTiu ...u got Lin Peh mia email already mah. Tak akan I post here. Nanti kena bomb la
Ah Nel:
ReplyDeleteif he bring bac onli the Ah Kua...tell him makan sendiri la ;-)
gib me ur email oso as i got some good stuff here... :)
ReplyDeleteLin Peh..soli soli, lupa ma. wokeh ..hang on.!! kambing ledi.
ReplyDeletelin peh: i think he had enuf liaw at tai cock...
ReplyDeletei dont have ur email...
this few pic i eva send to wingz but he neba post... :)
ReplyDeleteah nel:
ReplyDeleteYou go Lin Peh blog and search for the email la. scare to post here la. At least I said liddat peeple who wants to bomb me also must visit my blog and get corrupted first ! ;-)
lin peh, sent ledi la.. received anot??
ReplyDeletelin peh:i go liaw just now but cant find ler...ok ok...i try again...
ReplyDeletereceived liao. But if Lin Peh post means it will become new post and we'll have to start all over again for the condemn to reach 100 ? Tiu lor !
ReplyDeletetolong kasi send gua mia email kasi itu ah nel.
ah nel:
u check itu gua mia old post (january liddat one) on sing song projeck. I ask peeple to send in their sing song to my address mah
no nit wan, go and edit and insert photo !! lol
ReplyDeletelin peh:okok...gua go find now...
ReplyDeletelin peh:found d...tenkiuk n wait 4 muah mael...
ReplyDeletechibye...but this post not by Lin Peh wor. mine was the previous post. old liao. peeple no more read wan la. no siok. wan hantam also we hantam kao kao la.
ah nel:
ReplyDeleteOk. Lin Peh waiting ;-)
i try see and see.
ReplyDeletelin peh:gua send d...muahaha
ReplyDeleteAh Nel:
ReplyDeleteOK OK. Lin Peh go check now ;-)
wuhaahahahaa.. goin to reach 100 ledi.!!
ReplyDeletehi linpeh and everybody? this one is chat room ah?
ReplyDeleteSeng kor:
ReplyDeleteLooks like a chat room to me. What do u tink ? ;-)
halo seng taikor !!
ReplyDeleteah nel:
ReplyDeleteLin Peh check check and check but tak lak apa apa mail from you pun ?
i think so two. anyone think so three?
ReplyDeletehello yinsi!
ReplyDeleteaceone:how kam onli we 3 contribute nia?where r d rest?
ReplyDeleteAh Nel:
ReplyDeleteYour pos laju sampai liao ! hahahahahah!
seng kor:
ReplyDeleteI tink 3 tink 4. Wah lau eh...hitting 100 soon. Record breaking leh.
lin peh: tarak mer?gua send more than 3 ler to ur yahoo...
ReplyDeletedunno leh.
ReplyDeletenothing to say tim.. about this. the most famous question of the century:
ReplyDeletesik bao mei ah??
the word verification oso nearly finish using by us liaw...muahaha
ReplyDeleteSek pao lor. But not Seks pao ;-)
ah nel:
ReplyDeleteyou mean we have used up all the words in the dicksionary ? LOL!
can we set the target to 500 now?
ReplyDeleteDear All:
ReplyDeleteapproaching 100 liao. allocate properly la. so each of us get to count down 1 time ;-) LOL!
kek rojak pao cho lar...
ReplyDeleteIs Lin Peh writing the condemn No. 99 or 100 ah ? LOL!
ReplyDelete100th! yeh!
ReplyDeletewhuahahaaha... pecah rekod la.
ReplyDeleteok, now let me go and read about the post..
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATION !!! Seng Kor, aceone, ah nel:
ReplyDeleteYou all just break the lecord. So, your have won yourself USD350million. You will soon receive the email from the Nigerian fella who is in charge ! Please check your email regularly
By the way, Wingz make money or not when peeple post condemn here?
ReplyDeletebodo linpeh, comments no money la.. adsense only got. come, let me smack ur head. i mean the one above ur neck!
ReplyDeletelin peh:d word in dicksiniary oso pinish liaw latar...
ReplyDeleteMCH...this word verification used pinish by me liaw n owes error...
ReplyDeleteseng kor: d one between his leg ler???
ReplyDeletewakakaaka.. got next post ka?
ReplyDeletewhich 1 of u guys goin to post?hehe...
ReplyDeleteah nel: one one between linpeh's leg kenot find one.. too small.. LOL
ReplyDeleteWTF, didn't see a few hours only already surpassed 100 comments di. I wanna be one of the record breakers.
ReplyDeleteLet's see can make it 200 comments. Uh La La...
Boss not around ... put big big flawer to replace the banner or stick it beside his ears.
ReplyDeleteWuah!!! 200 komens!!! I also wanna join!!! :P
ReplyDeletesei for, sudah balik liaoooo
ReplyDeleteRed alert, red alert!
ReplyDeleteTaukeh balik liao!
Hide! Hide!
Alamak, taukeh kam bek liao. Lari, Lari, Lari !!!
ReplyDeletewhere are you....
i really miss you....
lari apa, mau lari pun wingz lari le, sudah berapa hali no show, hari ini balu lepot, sikalang tengok u apa boleh buat
ReplyDeletetaukeh pegi tah fei kei la. sikalang limpeh and geng take charge. itu takde balls punye taukeh can just sit on the sideline and watch.
ReplyDeleteanonymous : err ... lu dah makan ubat belom?? lu ok ka?
ReplyDeleteboob_omatic : err ... lu mabok ka? apesal ini majiam cakap?
seng kor:i never see lin peh onr so duno... :P
ReplyDeletetaukeh kambek d...hehe
Lin Peh u eat full nothing to do arr? I think 1/2 of the komens were from you lar...