Even me, during some of the stressful days will come here to find refuge and comfort. I still am able to laugh at my old jokes even tho I am the one who wrote it myself.
At times I do get some of my own jokes forwarded back to me with a message "I think you should blog about this! Its funny!" and I will then reply "Thanks for finding this jokes funny and here is the link to the jokes with all its pictures"
Once I had a small dream, I wanna spread happiness to as much people as possible, be it for only 5 seconds or 5 minutes a day. All I care is whether my jokes are able to make them smile after they finish reading it, I think I already achieved that .... infact I achieved even more than that, Unintentionally Rojaks Daily grown and became one of the few most read Malaysian blog liked and linked by bloggers and readers regardless of age or race.
For every action there would be an equal and opposite reaction, for every 100 people who like this blog there would prolly be another 100 who dislike this blog for the same reason, some labelled this blog as a rubbish low class ahbeng blog that will bring destructions to the civilisation of an entire country with its terrible Manglish, grammar and foul words. I m totally fine with that, afterall i believe in human rights.
Bloggers, they come and go, some of them whom I got to know during the early days of my blogging years were no longer around. I made lotsa friends blogging and also lost some in the process, I guessed thats just the way this world evolves, you just cant win'em all huh?
I sometime questions myself, how long more can I keep on doing this or perhaps just like everything else in life THE END is inevitable?
Maybe I should put 1-2 more extra hours into my sleeping time or perhaps to take up a new hobby instead of sitting here in my studies thinking of funny stuffs to blog about?
Or perhaps I had a crappy day today and Thats why I m freaking moody now?
Whatever it is ... Happy 2nd Annivesary to Rojaks Daily, I dont know whether there will be a 3rd one tho.

Tenkiu for reading and sorry for not being able to post a joke today.
Hey Wingz.. I must say I am really touched by this entry. Well, I feel really glad to have found this blog, and thank YOU for blogging so faithfully for so long.
ReplyDeleteYou really made some of my not-so-cheerful days to better days. So I hope this blog will reach its 3rd anniversary, and more :) Maybe, not a daily dose of Rojaks anymore if you cannot dedicate your time, but Rojaks must stay!!
Happy 2nd Anniversary! :D
Hey Wingz,
ReplyDeleteI think maybe because your blog became more and more popular and ppl and urself put high expectation on your blog, and u have to think what to blog everyday and that became a type of stress eventually.
To tell you the truth i read your blog nearly every single day, i dun even buy newspaper every single day but no matter how busy i am, i surely will visit your blog, you know why? because i never failed to luff everytime. I'm just one of the guys outside that you brought happiness to, so ur hardwork actually pays.
All the best to you and Happy 2nd anniversary!
Wingz, keep it up! You really do a great job with your blog!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd Anniversary!!!
ReplyDeleteCheer up taikor! I believe many of your readers like to read it. I started read your blog half year ago when I started to blog. I tell you ah... I never miss to visit here everyday lor. I'm your die hard fansi leh...
Keep it up the great job taikor, don't give up la.
yes! keep it up Wingz..we need you in Rojaks daily...!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd Anniversary!
Happy Birdsday brader!! Keep it going coz you da man boss!!!!!!!!! if you stop we all kena eat grass liao!!
ReplyDeleteLKJ!!! Y u so emo!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteRojaks never fail to make me laugh..WINGZ oso never fail to make me laugh..please don't put an end to this..plz!!
Happy 2nd Blogiversary!
ReplyDeletedoesn't matter if you can't write jokes every day, we all have our days. and even touching ones about your family or just a rant, is most welcome. because that's what makes Rojaks so happening!
chin up, Wingz. see you someday again, soon! best of luck to you!
I don't like to eat rojak, but I do read Rojaks Daily.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
yo Wingz,
ReplyDeletehmmm... I visit ur blog everyday if not twice a day in case u post something extra but I,ve never put any comments. As u say, there are tons of ppl who juz come and be silent readers. I think its nice that u blog it the ah beng way makes it fell so Malaysian...lol. Juz keep doing it cos it really brightens up ones day. In fact all of my frens oso started reading it when i intro-ed it to them.
Happy Burfday Rojaks :)
HAPPEEE BIRDDAY!!you should start writing paid post now. when you see USD coming you won't feel like stopping!!
ReplyDelete*Pat pat taikor* No please, I just started reading rojaks not long ago. N you are not gonna end all this yea? Perhaps I might sound selfish saying this, but putting your two hours here blogging will definitely cheer up a lot of your readers.
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd anniversary!
Rojak..if u decide to close your blog, make sure u pass your readers to Lin Peh ! LOL!!!!! Happy Analvesari ! YUUUUUM SIIIIIING!
ReplyDeleteHap to u Rojakz!
ReplyDeleteeh eh. no dinner wan arh? lol. to celebrate and all?
ReplyDeleteI am new here.....Anyway pls keep up the good work...There will alwayz be ppl who enjoy your works of art.....
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!!
yaya this blog rox. never give up! i sokong u. happy 2nd aniversary!!
ReplyDeleteHapi 2nd anniversary!!! I'm your fansi oso keep blogging.
ReplyDeleteFirst time saw you post something emotional, and it's kinda touching. I come here for jokes daily if i remember and when im feeling down. Its a good blog and I hope you'll keep in alive
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary and do keep on blogging.
ReplyDeleteI olways sapot u wan! u r now my au jiong! Au jiong man sui, man sui, man man sui!
ReplyDeletehappi 2nd anniversary mr Wingz..thank you very much for making this ape smile everyday \(^-^)/
ReplyDeleteWei wei...aniversari dun have celebration meh???
ReplyDeleteThrow us a party la...wit all the adsense money u've earned. Not too much jek....
cibai! fei por siu yoke!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd b-day to u. I enjoy reading ur entries. Well as lest better than mine.
ReplyDeleteAdding information for lin peh post: Dun forgot to pass to lim peh also
ReplyDeleteTan Sri Bhg Rojak Wingz, I get to know your blog through my fwen when I temaning him in cc through the darkest age of his life....eventually we found something that can cheer us up. That's u!!
May not the rojaks fade away....
Happi Burfday!!!!
Lots of Cheers For You Wingz! Keep it up and thanks for all the posts that you have blogged!
I lafu when Rojakz gets emo! Must do this more often then all the lengluis hang here like wu ying (lalat). Kahkahkah.. I still remember you lychee post. Can recycle it please?
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary and don't you dare stop blogging.
Wahhh.. So "chim" one..
ReplyDeleteI had to blink extra times to see if I'm reading this blog ngam or not. So "chim"... so meaningful..
Anyway, I likez rojaks and hence, I likez to read rojaks oso.
Happy birdday... 2 yr old liao.. big boy.. big boy...
Happy 2nd Blog Birthday! And a big thank you for all the entertaining posts too!
ReplyDeletePsssttt.... last weekend I baked some yummy yummy egg tarts using your recipe. TQ, TQ!
~ Sun ~
Happy birthday Rojaks! There's no place like here, wingz. Kudos :D
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd Anniversary.
ReplyDeleteCheer up man! Everyone here support u .To me, u great blogger. U make my life more cheerful when i sad(by ur jokes). THANKS MAN!
kONG hEI kONG hEI on your blog 2nd birthday, Wingz !!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the joy, laughter and humour.
Happy 2nd Anniversary!! Sure hope there will be a 3rd, 4th...and so on. You are the best!!
ReplyDeleteI live in London. But I read your blog almost everyday. Reminds me of Malaysia.
Thanks very much!
One blog closed, many laughters disappeared.
ReplyDeleteSo... keep going on... Thx a lot for the jokes!
hey wingz...dont stop blogging mate. i have 3 blogs adi and been blogging since 2004. although i did have some hiccups in between, but remember this. blog not for others only, blog for yourself. it feels different when you do it for self satisfaction as well. the rest are just extras ;)
ReplyDeletei have to admit that i am one of those who reads but seldom comment. malas to junk up everything mah, but i have to step up with the others and wish rojaks a 2nd bday and for you to keep making us smile everyday. it's like a cup of coffee in the mornings for most of us.
bottomline...keep blogging and dun ever ever EVER think of quiting...else i get ur address from Earl and hunt u down :D and then post it on rojaks :D hehe kidding kidding
wingz ah gor.. pls dun stop blogging ler... u cheer so many ppl up u know... Pls continue !
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary !!
WingZ, two years means our Italiano lunch has been outstanding for 1.5 years liao! KNN!