21 February 2011

Win a VW GOLF GTI with Celcom Roaming Rate Promo!

Chinese New Year is around the corner and Plane tixs is selling like hot cakes! I just came back from a trip to Kota kinabalu with my buddy tomtom (who is running his own travel firm) and he is busy punching numbers making flights confirmations throughout the journey. This is indeed a golden period for travelling.

With the long CNY break everyone is taking this chance to get away from their busy city life and spoil themselves with overseas trips they been planning long long ago.

The thing about travelling on CNY is, whether you like it anot most of the time its very difficult for the whole family to be travelling together, some will get left behind because of work commitments of they made plans prior to the long holidays or simply lack of funds to join the fun and that normally means there will be lotsa calls between members of the family to make sure everything at home is ok, the house is not burglar-ed and the pet is well fed etc etc.

If you actually fall into that category, then i got good news for you! Celcom is now giving away 1 unit of a brand new Volkswagon Golf plus 30 Blackberry torch 9800 smartphone!

Its very simple to be eligible for these prizes wan lor! no need fill forms! no need write stupid slogans! All you have to do is to make 20 calls home when you are abroad and you will be automatically in the running of the contest alredi! Simple anot?

Also those who is making 10 roaming calls a month will be in the running to contest for the monthly 10 Blackberry Torch 9800 smartphones and this will go on for 3 consecutive months. In total they will be giving away 30 Blackberry Torch 9800 smartphones

Those selected will have to answer 2 simple questions and if you answered correctly the Blackberry Torch 9800 smartphones is yours to take home! Best part is .... there is no minimum duration imposed on your roaming calls home! your calls can be as short as 5 secs and you will still be eligible to join this contest! shiok anot?!

DELAY NO MORE!!! Start calling now ler! Wait wat wait?! Not yet sign up?! Fast fast go Celcom roam freely website to sign up! Lol!

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