Even me, during some of the stressful days will come here to find refuge and comfort. I still am able to laugh at my old jokes even tho I am the one who wrote it myself.
At times I do get some of my own jokes forwarded back to me with a message "I think you should blog about this! Its funny!" and I will then reply "Thanks for finding this jokes funny and here is the link to the jokes with all its pictures"
Once I had a small dream, I wanna spread happiness to as much people as possible, be it for only 5 seconds or 5 minutes a day. All I care is whether my jokes are able to make them smile after they finish reading it, I think I already achieved that .... infact I achieved even more than that, Unintentionally Rojaks Daily grown and became one of the few most read Malaysian blog liked and linked by bloggers and readers regardless of age or race.
For every action there would be an equal and opposite reaction, for every 100 people who like this blog there would prolly be another 100 who dislike this blog for the same reason, some labelled this blog as a rubbish low class ahbeng blog that will bring destructions to the civilisation of an entire country with its terrible Manglish, grammar and foul words. I m totally fine with that, afterall i believe in human rights.
Bloggers, they come and go, some of them whom I got to know during the early days of my blogging years were no longer around. I made lotsa friends blogging and also lost some in the process, I guessed thats just the way this world evolves, you just cant win'em all huh?
I sometime questions myself, how long more can I keep on doing this or perhaps just like everything else in life THE END is inevitable?
Maybe I should put 1-2 more extra hours into my sleeping time or perhaps to take up a new hobby instead of sitting here in my studies thinking of funny stuffs to blog about?
Or perhaps I had a crappy day today and Thats why I m freaking moody now?
Whatever it is ... Happy 2nd Annivesary to Rojaks Daily, I dont know whether there will be a 3rd one tho.

Tenkiu for reading and sorry for not being able to post a joke today.