Once there is this multi millionaire alchoholic, he is known as
Juimao by his fler drinking mates. One of his drinking mates (
Lowchan) happened to be the headmaster if a local chinese skool. One day this chinese skool need a new skool hall and Lowchan approach Juimao for donation.
*halfway drinking, Juimao high high dei ledi
Lowchan also take this chance to ask for donation*
Lowchan :
Juimao, eh we need donation to build a new skool hall ler, u can donate anot ?
Juimao : How much you need to build that hall ?
Lowchan : about RM300,000 lidat ler ...
Juimao : RM300,000 only izzit? aiyah small matter la! i thot you need 2 million then abit hard la ... RM300k no problem! I donate all! no nid to look for other ppl, I kautim everything!
Lowchan : Wuah sure anot wan ? now u drunk ledi u say lidat la ... after wards u deny how ?
Juimao : Diuu!!! mahai u dun belif me la izzit ? you take pen and paper now then u draft a simple letter asking for donation then i sign there. lidis ok anot ?
Lowchan : u say one har!!! later u dont accuse me of not believing in you !!
Juimao : Before you start the letter, I wanna add one clause.
Lowchan : wuah see ? i sure know u got trick wan!
Juimao : no trick la ! I just want u to lemme name the Hall, it this ok ?
Lowchan : Aiyah lidat only izzit ? lidat nvm la ... since u gave us the money to build the hall I will name it after u anyway.
Juimao : ok deal then, put my request into the letter too.
A few days later,
Lowchan got RM300k from
Juimao and they start working on the new hall. 3 months later the hall is done and they invited
Juimao to the official opening of the hall day at the same time they are also asking
Juimao for the name of the new hall.
Juimao being himself hes drunk most of the time even at the time hes thinking of the name of the new hall. After thinking for it for half an hour he finally decided to use his company name rather than his personal name as the name of the hall. He also refuse to let
Lowchan know the name of the hall bcoz he want it to be a suprise to everyone.
So, he himself ordered for the signange to be made secrectly, he even invited some reporter from the daily newspaper and all his staff to attend this opening ceremony so that they can be proud of him and his contribution to the society. Little does he realise he is gonna be the luffing stock of the year lol
The time come where
Juimao will remove the cloth covering the signage to the new hall.
Lowchan countdown "3,2,1!" and
Juimao removed the cloth with a pull and everybody were shocked! Ther reporters start taking pikchures too.
Then tomlo the name of the hall come out in the newspaper guess what kinda name
Juimao would give to the new skool hall ??
(if u wanna know scroll down la)

In case you are wondering,
Juimao mia company name is
Alco ler ....
This joke u kena use your brain abit lol ..... if u dun get it then u ask me la ... i also blur blur now