7 July 2005

PPS is like a BIG Photocopy Machine now !

Kenneth Chiew this is for you!

Aduh .... dont you think we knew bout all that explosions in Lunton alredi ??? eh we got Astro (ASS-THROW) at home also yew know ???!!!! so pulez la .... stop telling us there are how many blast in Lunton ok ? CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg and BBC are telling us all we need to know, with video sommo!!!

Check out this conversation in #malaysiabloggers in dalnet a moment ago.

[19:26] [mrbojingles] ok cnn is boring liow.. talking about the same thing over n over again... like pps LOL
[19:29] [mrbojingles] u need to be leet to get in
[19:29] [mrbojingles] use news.bbc.co.uk
[19:29] [kljs] bleh
[19:30] [kljs] I got in the first time, but lagging
[19:30] [kljs] ;P
[19:30] [mrbojingles] ok good for u
[19:30] [v0ices] just watch cnn la
[19:30] [v0ices] aiyoh
[19:30] [mrbojingles] not everyone got ass throw lol
[19:31] [v0ices] watch mnn then
[19:44] [elby] fuck lah
[19:44] [elby] so many london news reports being pinged
[19:44] [elby] WHAT THE HELL
[19:44] [mrbojingles] lolz
[19:44] [anthraxxxx] yeah
[19:45] [mrbojingles] they obviously dont check pps before they ping
[19:45] [anthraxxxx] wanted to read something else
[19:45] [anthraxxxx] grrrr
[19:45] [elby] okay la, i'll go created a denmark post for yu ;)
[19:45] [elby] create*
[19:45] [elby] you*
[19:45] [mrbojingles] someone pretend to be in london n start posting
[19:45] [mrbojingles] sure generate alot of traffic
[19:46] [v0ices] sigh, this people obviously think that we don't know how to go to bbc.co.uk or cnn.com
[19:46] [v0ices] or any other news site
[19:46] [mrbojingles] nola they go there.. they copy n paste from there
[19:46] [v0ices] they are just reporting verbatim
[19:46] [v0ices] exactly what i mean la
[19:46] [mrbojingles] Bush collides with police officer during bike ride
[19:46] [v0ices] they think we dunno how to go there... so they "so kind to repory it for us"
[19:46] [mrbojingles] The officer, from the Strethclyde Police Department in Scotland, was taken to a local hospital as a precaution
[19:46] [elby] i can't decide which is worse: tech blogs or these kind of blogs
[19:47] [mrbojingles] these kind are worst cuz they are all the same
[19:47] [elby] the bush collision news is a bit old heh :P
[19:47] [mrbojingles] well its heaps more interesting than this london one thats been overdone
[19:48] [mrbojingles] eh this bush colision one is today la
[19:48] [mrbojingles] he bang police officer at the g8
[19:48] [elby] i read that a couple of hours ago
[19:49] [trueno] PPS is like a photocopy machine now
[19:50] [v0ices] TRUENO`... you go blog about it la
[19:50] [v0ices] this sentence [trueno] PPS is like a photocopy machine now
[19:51] [trueno] wanna read something different ? goto http://rojaks.blogspot.com


  1. I don't c&p; only giving relevant, helpful information.

  2. exactly, most of the content is basically the same, as I mentioned in my post

  3. Anonymous8:22 pm

    ehehe..more traffic generation kua.

    last time the tsunami thing i also want to buat kecoh and for a silly post like "my friend in Bandar Utama also felt tremors.."..and i had like 18 comments. ehhee. really good traffic generator.

    but my heart extends out to all those Londoners. Bloody terrorists. stupid terrorists.

  4. Wah...got bomb ah? Where ah? Luntun? Luntun where ah? In Malasia ah? Where? What? When? Wah..... What PPS?

  5. http://chanlilian.net/archives/2005/07/_pps_is_like_a.html

  6. Anonymous9:30 pm

    LOL! mesin photostat!

  7. pps is a new news channel now.

  8. NSDS3HvLDjJd : err ... only to those who C&P :)

    Patrick : tell me bout it ... it still kambing!

    jojo : i cant blame you ... you a COPYwriter

    jayelle : yar bloody terrorist ... kesian lodoners ... kesian NSer

    5xmom : Lunton laaa

    twinsmom : Monkey see monkey do huh ?

    Zeo : hehe

    Kiasi : wuah tenkiu !!! my pikchure hansem anot ?

    lynee : PPS is a monkey see monkey do news channel now :)


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