I think the video below do not have anything to do with the previous one in Bukit Tinggi but nevertheless it is disturbing enough.
Two (2) half naked Ahbeng ganging up on one boy and the victim didnt even fight back. What da fark is happening to our schools???!!!
ALO!!!??? all the authorities sleeping ka? I agree parents plays important role too but I suspect their parents also worst than their kid la how to teach them?
Same like the previous one, this video clip is also kinda disturbing also ... viewer discretion advised.
30 June 2006
Another Bully Incident - Malaysia School Not a Safe Place Anymore?
Another Bully incident and this time it happened in Sekolah Menengah Kota Tinggi (that's is what it said in the title of the video) one of these few video were updated since 24th June 2006 and others were uploaded yesterday.
I derno whether its the trend nowadays or its the parents, bullying seems to be the "IN" thing to do lately. Mentally retarded student were also not spared, they punched him in his face, kicked him and throw plastic chairs onto him.
For God sake! he cant even fight back! What da fark are these stupid kids thinking??!! what its in their head? What farking joy do you get from attacking a mentally retarded kid?? You mean you will feel "OH! i m very the pahwerfool" after you beat the crap outa the poor boy? Why dont you try n weck me lidat for a change? I gerenti you that you will definitely end up being more retarded than your victim here in the video!
MAHCHOWHAI! What have your parents been feeding you man! They feed you shit everyday one izzit? Teenagers like this are better dead than alive, they keep on living also waste our oxygen only.
If you did not notice, they are even girls in the classroom watching and enjoying the show as those mofo whack the daylight outta that poor boy. GIRLS GIRLS! what da fark is wrong with you all?? Where is all that girly attitude gone to?
Seriously, I blame this on the parents .... this is exactly how your kids will turn out to be if you dont give a fark about them and let them watch TV as much as they like. These kids are bascially brainless one ... what are doing exactly what they saw on Tv and thinks its ok to do such a thing because they showed it on TV!
If there is anyone from the Media/newspaper is reading this now, please goan expose that group of mofos! Let everyone know that we do not tolerate such behaviour in any school and we certainly do not wanna see our kid being treated lidat in their school!
Make Malaysia School a safe place for our kids to go to! A safe place to learn not having to worry about getting their ass kicked just because they refuse to join some geng!
These are the sick videos I have been telling you about, fast fast watch it for it might be remove by YouTube.com soon!
WARNING : Very graphical .... sickening videos ... if you do not feel comfy watching such videos pls do not proceed!
They seems to be enjoying themself beating the daylight outta that mentally retarded kid.
Sit down and lemme beat the craps outta you! I will hunt you down if you try to run away!
The girls are enjoying the show too!! Throw those chairs at him just like in the wrestling TV show!!!
Infos and video originated from kukujiao.com
Related Link : Assault classified as juvenile case
I derno whether its the trend nowadays or its the parents, bullying seems to be the "IN" thing to do lately. Mentally retarded student were also not spared, they punched him in his face, kicked him and throw plastic chairs onto him.
For God sake! he cant even fight back! What da fark are these stupid kids thinking??!! what its in their head? What farking joy do you get from attacking a mentally retarded kid?? You mean you will feel "OH! i m very the pahwerfool" after you beat the crap outa the poor boy? Why dont you try n weck me lidat for a change? I gerenti you that you will definitely end up being more retarded than your victim here in the video!
MAHCHOWHAI! What have your parents been feeding you man! They feed you shit everyday one izzit? Teenagers like this are better dead than alive, they keep on living also waste our oxygen only.
If you did not notice, they are even girls in the classroom watching and enjoying the show as those mofo whack the daylight outta that poor boy. GIRLS GIRLS! what da fark is wrong with you all?? Where is all that girly attitude gone to?
Seriously, I blame this on the parents .... this is exactly how your kids will turn out to be if you dont give a fark about them and let them watch TV as much as they like. These kids are bascially brainless one ... what are doing exactly what they saw on Tv and thinks its ok to do such a thing because they showed it on TV!
If there is anyone from the Media/newspaper is reading this now, please goan expose that group of mofos! Let everyone know that we do not tolerate such behaviour in any school and we certainly do not wanna see our kid being treated lidat in their school!
Make Malaysia School a safe place for our kids to go to! A safe place to learn not having to worry about getting their ass kicked just because they refuse to join some geng!
These are the sick videos I have been telling you about, fast fast watch it for it might be remove by YouTube.com soon!
WARNING : Very graphical .... sickening videos ... if you do not feel comfy watching such videos pls do not proceed!
They seems to be enjoying themself beating the daylight outta that mentally retarded kid.
Sit down and lemme beat the craps outta you! I will hunt you down if you try to run away!
The girls are enjoying the show too!! Throw those chairs at him just like in the wrestling TV show!!!
Infos and video originated from kukujiao.com
Related Link : Assault classified as juvenile case
Rojaks Guides to Better Employment for School Leaver
By this time around, those who got accepted to local university should know of them by now ... those who gonna go study overseas also sould start looking for infos by now too.
Then there is still those less fortunated ones (myself included) who did not have the luxury of continuing their academic achievements to a higher level (to get youself a degree or a *DOUBLE DEGREEs*) then its time to look for an employment oppurtunity.
So, you might be new to this job seeking adventure and you might not know what to look for. you open the newspaper, you read every farking employment ads innit and yet you dunno what da fark they are trying to tell you.
If this is the case then worry no more! Wingz has been thru that all and today I m gonna guide you thru this little obstacle.

Employment Ads and what they really mean!

If you follow the above guidelines in seeking your employment I can bet that you will end up with a great job! Rojaks Daily wishes all job seekers all the best in your future under takings.
God bless you and WELCOME TO HELL!!!
This is anoder community message brought to you by Rojaks Daily, your daily jokes pusher!
Then there is still those less fortunated ones (myself included) who did not have the luxury of continuing their academic achievements to a higher level (to get youself a degree or a *DOUBLE DEGREEs*) then its time to look for an employment oppurtunity.
So, you might be new to this job seeking adventure and you might not know what to look for. you open the newspaper, you read every farking employment ads innit and yet you dunno what da fark they are trying to tell you.
If this is the case then worry no more! Wingz has been thru that all and today I m gonna guide you thru this little obstacle.

Employment Ads and what they really mean!
- Competitive Salary - what they really mean is they knot give you high high salary bcoz if they give u high high salary ledi they wont be competitive anymore!.
- Join Our Fast-Paced Company - This one means, You kena Jiakaki (eat yourself) they all *fark you no free* therefore no one would have time to give u training, so u kena learn all by yourself la!.
- Casual Work Atmosphere - If you see this then you should be careful ledi ... this one actually means the salary very low one! Why? becoz they know your salary very low and you will not be able to afford nice clothing lar! thats why they let u wear your torn jeans n lousy t-shirt to work! .
- Must Be Deadline Oriented - This one lagi dangerous! the pay might be high but the moment you goto work you alredi 3 months behind your deadline! This is what I call *shit picker* you are basically hired to pick up someone elses shit LOL!.
- Some Overtime Required - this means you are required to work OT everyday even on weekends!
- Duties Will Vary/Job Rotation - This one very simple oni ..... basically it means *Opis Boi or Opis Assistant*. One Leg Kick all ... suma pao!
- Must Have An Eye For Detail - This one requires you to check your own work because no one will check it for you. If you screwed up you will kena! lol!!
- Career-Minded - Normally this line only applicable to female only .... what it means is they prefer you to stay single lar ... no paktor and if you alredi married when u join the kompeni then they would prefer you to be childless la so you could put more time and attention into your job ler.
- Apply In Person - This one most of the time also applicable to female only .... in short it means if you are fat, short or FUGLY we will ask u to go home and wait for news.
- No Phone Calls Please - If you see this kinda ads then you no need to waste time liow ... the position alredi taken by one of the staff's relative ledi one ... they put advertisement there just to show their boss that they did not plektis any favourtism.
- Seeking Candidates With A Wide Variety of Experience - Wuah this one high stress job! what they really mean is you kena take over the jobs of at least 2-3 staffs whois gonna leave end of the month.
- Problem Solving Skills A Must - What they are trying to tell you is "Our kompeni is in big trouble therefore we would like to have someone who can teach us how to get out of this hellhole.
- Requires Team Leadership Skills - this one very straight forward! Your name card will say Manager but your salary will say Supervisor.
- Good Communication Skills - You go into meeting .... listen to them tok rubbish and after they finish ledi you are suppose to figure out what da fark they just said and do it!

If you follow the above guidelines in seeking your employment I can bet that you will end up with a great job! Rojaks Daily wishes all job seekers all the best in your future under takings.
God bless you and WELCOME TO HELL!!!
This is anoder community message brought to you by Rojaks Daily, your daily jokes pusher!
29 June 2006
Ah Beng and Lily Confessed
Ah Beng and his girlfren, Lily (No, not Ah Lian.. :P) had been dating for quite some time and their relationship was getting serious. Err.. they r those couple who don't make love till they get married one. So hor.. Ah Beng mah proposed lor..
Lily was so happy and accepted Ah Beng's proposal but she had a problem. So she told Ah Beng, "Beng Beng ah.. before we get married hor.. i wan u to know hor.. my nengkupok actually very small 1 u know.. like BB (not Beng Beng but baby ok?) 1.. "
After hearing that, Ah Beng told Lily.. "Lily honey ar.. I lebiu so your nengkupok wat size oso doesnt matter.. I oso wanna let u know one thing.. my kukuciao size oso like BB 1.. "
Lily then also told Ah Beng that she loves him and size does not matter.
Few months passed. Their wedding went well and on THAT NIGHT, that 2 happy fella checked into the honeymoon suite at a resort hotel. Lily was in the bathroom putting on her sexy nightie while Ah Beng waited excitedly on the bed. As she entered the bedroom, Ah Beng was so beh tahan that he quickly pull her towards him n took off her nightgown. True enough, her breasts were the smallest that he had ever seen!! But he still got very sexcited and took off his pants.
Upon seeing his kkc, Lily told her husband.. "Lou kung.. i tot u said ur kkc like BB geh.."
Ah Beng looked at his kkc and said.. "Not like BB meh.. it's 9 POUNDS and 21 INCHES long worrrr.. "

Lily was so happy and accepted Ah Beng's proposal but she had a problem. So she told Ah Beng, "Beng Beng ah.. before we get married hor.. i wan u to know hor.. my nengkupok actually very small 1 u know.. like BB (not Beng Beng but baby ok?) 1.. "
After hearing that, Ah Beng told Lily.. "Lily honey ar.. I lebiu so your nengkupok wat size oso doesnt matter.. I oso wanna let u know one thing.. my kukuciao size oso like BB 1.. "
Lily then also told Ah Beng that she loves him and size does not matter.
Few months passed. Their wedding went well and on THAT NIGHT, that 2 happy fella checked into the honeymoon suite at a resort hotel. Lily was in the bathroom putting on her sexy nightie while Ah Beng waited excitedly on the bed. As she entered the bedroom, Ah Beng was so beh tahan that he quickly pull her towards him n took off her nightgown. True enough, her breasts were the smallest that he had ever seen!! But he still got very sexcited and took off his pants.
Upon seeing his kkc, Lily told her husband.. "Lou kung.. i tot u said ur kkc like BB geh.."
Ah Beng looked at his kkc and said.. "Not like BB meh.. it's 9 POUNDS and 21 INCHES long worrrr.. "

Wuah!! Whose Daughters is This? Got Talent to Lead Underground Skool Geng leh!
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS MAN!!!! I would expect this kinda behaviour to come from guys but girls? C'mon! What are our society turning into these days?? Parents nowadays never teach their kids anymore huh?
First time I see this kinda animal behavior kambing from girls .... rumours has it that these girls are from St Joseph High Skool, Miri .... I derno bout you but heck if i m living in Miri, i m sure not gonna send my kids to that skool whether this is real anot!
Alex is from Miri, I derno he heard of it anot .... Alex where are tho? Faster tell us what happened??!!!
Here is some links to the story in Chinapress and Sin Chew Daily website (Both also in Chinese character), The same Video clip were also said to been broadcasted in USA by some online or national TV (Damn! the ability to read chinese characters should come in handy this time around!)
China Press : HERE
Sin Chew Daily : HERE
Note: Err.. this is just one part of the video only .. i derno why its only showing one part oni also .. the end part lagi teruk they weck that girl.
This one is the full version (I think ..)
When asked bout this incident, the Principle of the above-mentioned Skool responded :
They are playing??!! MCH!! It looks like anything but playing la! mch who you wanna bruff??!!
To those violent bitches who attacked/slapped/kicked/whacked that poor girl, I wish next time your kids also kena weck lidat in skool.
To those boys who dint stop this from happening I hope you all will turn gay!
To the girl who made cute face and peace sign , you look retarded and thanks alot for being so happy when your geng attacked a helpless girl.
To the fler recording the whole incident, Mahchowhai!!! you got phone one la! Call someone lar farker! why you let them weck kau her till lidat you still no take action? Mahai which skool you goto one? ... oh, i forgot .. I mentioned the skool name ledi just now.
Anyone from Miri wanna tell us more about this incident? Feel free to use the comments section ok?
Parents, what would you feel if your children kena cornered and whack lidat in skool? Come come! lemme hear your thoughts ok?
Related Stories :
Credits : Video I wallop from Head Hunter Many Thanks to Cynthia for the infos!
First time I see this kinda animal behavior kambing from girls .... rumours has it that these girls are from St Joseph High Skool, Miri .... I derno bout you but heck if i m living in Miri, i m sure not gonna send my kids to that skool whether this is real anot!
Alex is from Miri, I derno he heard of it anot .... Alex where are tho? Faster tell us what happened??!!!
Here is some links to the story in Chinapress and Sin Chew Daily website (Both also in Chinese character), The same Video clip were also said to been broadcasted in USA by some online or national TV (Damn! the ability to read chinese characters should come in handy this time around!)
China Press : HERE
Sin Chew Daily : HERE
Note: Err.. this is just one part of the video only .. i derno why its only showing one part oni also .. the end part lagi teruk they weck that girl.
This one is the full version (I think ..)
When asked bout this incident, the Principle of the above-mentioned Skool responded :
San Jose middle school principal: Possible "play"
Whether this group of student does come from an east Msia middle school, temporarily is unknown; Principal inquires when to "星洲日報" was said that, these female students possibly only were at that time in "play", then, the picture which pats puts the network to spread.
He believed that, in the picture situation possibly is not real, only is "plays".
(soli I myself also derno wtf they trying to say lol! ... i m using this lame online translator! Prolly you should get someone to translate for you if you wanna know more!)
They are playing??!! MCH!! It looks like anything but playing la! mch who you wanna bruff??!!
To those violent bitches who attacked/slapped/kicked/whacked that poor girl, I wish next time your kids also kena weck lidat in skool.
To those boys who dint stop this from happening I hope you all will turn gay!
To the girl who made cute face and peace sign , you look retarded and thanks alot for being so happy when your geng attacked a helpless girl.
To the fler recording the whole incident, Mahchowhai!!! you got phone one la! Call someone lar farker! why you let them weck kau her till lidat you still no take action? Mahai which skool you goto one? ... oh, i forgot .. I mentioned the skool name ledi just now.
Anyone from Miri wanna tell us more about this incident? Feel free to use the comments section ok?
Parents, what would you feel if your children kena cornered and whack lidat in skool? Come come! lemme hear your thoughts ok?
Related Stories :
- Another Bully Incident - Malaysia School Not a Safe Place Anymore?
- Another School Bully Video!!!!
- Footage shows schoolgirls in a gang-fight
Credits : Video I wallop from Head Hunter Many Thanks to Cynthia for the infos!
28 June 2006
Unconfirmed : Stun Gun Geng in Malaysia
What is Stun Gun? Wait i go search for it and paste here :

Now on to the forwarded email sent to me by Pisang
I derno how true is this but since no party would get benefits from this email, i gave it the benefit of doubt, better safe than sorry right?
So everybody please be more aware of your surroundings ok? not only applicable to ladies ... if guys kena *SOT* also still pengsan wan!!! Minimum voltage is 100,000 volt you know??!! CAN SOT 9 SEI LEI AH!!!
This is another community message brought to you by Rojaks Daily ....

Stun gun
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, searchA stun gun can be:
Link : HERE
- An electroshock gun, a real weapon that temporarily disables a person with electric shock: with some forms by contact, with some forms at a distance.
- Some directed-energy weapons, real or fictional
- Various science fiction weapons
How Stun Guns Works
The basic idea of a stun gun is to disrupt this communication system. Stun guns generate a high-voltage, low-amperage electrical charge. In simple terms, this means that the charge has a lot of pressure behind it, but not that much intensity. When you press the stun gun against an attacker and hold the trigger, the charge passes into the attacker's body. Since it has a fairly high voltage, the charge will pass through heavy clothing and skin. But at around 3 milliamps, the charge is not intense enough to damage the attacker's body unless it is applied for extended periods of time.It does dump a lot of confusing information into the attacker's nervous system, however. This causes a couple of things to happen:
- The charge combines with the electrical signals from the attacker's brain. This is like running an outside current into a phone line: The original signal is mixed in with random noise, making it very difficult to decipher any messages. When these lines of communication go down, the attacker has a very hard time telling his muscles to move, and he may become confused and unbalanced. He is partially paralyzed, temporarily.
- The current may be generated with a pulse frequency that mimics the body's own electrical signals. In this case, the current will tell the attacker's muscles to do a great deal of work in a short amount of time. But the signal doesn't direct the work toward any particular movement. The work doesn't do anything but deplete the attacker's energy reserves, leaving him too weak to move (ideally).
At its most basic, this is all there is to incapacitating a person with a stun gun -- you apply electricity to a person's muscles and nerves. And since there are muscles and nerves all over the body, it doesn't particularly matter where you hit an attacker.
Link : HERE
Now on to the forwarded email sent to me by Pisang
I just thought to let know what my doctor told me recently. I don't think she was lying and neither am I, so please pass this forward on to your friends. Her clinic is in SS2 and you know how congested that place is. What happened was one morning a few months ago in broad daylight, a girl was getting into her car when a few men approached her with what looked like a torchlight. Quite harmless looking. They pressed the "torchlight" (Stun Gun/Taser Gun) onto her back and immediately she went very limp and became as white as paper. To cause further injury so she won't be able to fight back, they slashed her thigh with a parang and they sped away in her car.
There were many people around that time and they quickly took her to the nearest clinic which was my doctor's clinic. There were two doctors at that time and they managed to stitch up her wound but the girl remained pulse-less and still pale as paper. No pulse, no BP (blood pressure). Just like dead. My doctors were confused how can one wound on the thigh make the girl almost like dead? They managed to revive her and safe her life.
I guess my doctors did some research or asked around because she told me what actually happened was that the girl was made unconscious by the "torchlight" equipment. It's not torchlight but it's actually a high voltage weapon. I forgot how many watt she mentioned. 1000? (Actually ranging anywhere from 100,000 to 900,000 volt)
Anyway, it was very high and can kill a person by electrocution. It seems that the weapon is from China. It's not rampant yet in Malaysia, but with this thing, a person can rob, rape, kill, kidnap, and practically do anything to you. My doctor said that if the girl weren't taken to the clinic immediately she would have died because there was no pulse on her.
So please just beware of your surrounding, if anybody is lurking around with a torchlight-thingy or approach you, just scream or whatever. Run away.
Well, better to be embarrassed than ZAPPED, right?!
Take care, don't get fried. And I'm serious about this, it really happened.
I derno how true is this but since no party would get benefits from this email, i gave it the benefit of doubt, better safe than sorry right?
So everybody please be more aware of your surroundings ok? not only applicable to ladies ... if guys kena *SOT* also still pengsan wan!!! Minimum voltage is 100,000 volt you know??!! CAN SOT 9 SEI LEI AH!!!
This is another community message brought to you by Rojaks Daily ....
27 June 2006
Blonde Wannabe XiaXue Whacks Malaysian
She even came out with her own theory on why we (Malaysian) are so rude and here izzit :
Now you know why got so many TammyNYP lehhh??!!! I derno whether what she said reflects the current education policy in Singapore anot ... you mean this is what they taught you in skool??
In short that Fake Blonde fler is saying that How nice if Singapore can have as much *sleazy* whore house as Bangcock then they all will be nicer! Malaysia no whore house so we are not as nice ... we are all horny n fulla sperms and if you want your bf/guyfwen to be happy, buy him playboy magazines.
Why? Why buy him playboy magazines? Because you are gawd dem FUGLY!!! pity your bf/guyfwen! Let him wank at some pretty girls pics ok?!! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I think there are a fair numbers of Fler Singaporeans who reads Rojaks Daily ...... feel free to comment on this issue ok? We are all braders n sistas mah! I wont weck u wan! I only weck dog! Wuahahahaha!!!
This post were never meant to poke fun at flers Singaporean ... this post is only to weck certain shallow wide plump face blonde wannabe pink poodle oni! (Yea I admit I memang rude! but I oni rude to Wide Face pink poodle Blonde wannbe only ... Blow ah?)
erm ... Suanie is on hiatus so she cant blog buden she asked to add something here :
- Pardon me, I’m not used to being polite. - Minishorts
"I mean, think about it... Why areFull crappy story link : HEREMalaysianssome countries' citizens so rude? Because it is a conservative country, and girls aren't supposed to wear little clothes.
Why are Americans so polite? (Particularly in the south, that's what I heard) Because everywhere you go girls aren't wearing bras! The girls feel more comfortable, thus they are happy. The boys.. well it's obvious why they are happy.
Even gay people are happier coz they can go to Canada to get married - it's near. (Unhappy gay - oxymoron?) Coincidentally, you might also notice Toronto's citizens are very polite too (no.3 in that survey).
Now compare another Asian city, Bangkok. Bangkok is full of sleazy sex places, and it's citizens are very polite, bowing and smiling to you all the time. It doesn't matter if they are mumbling curse words at tourists behind those smiles, the fact is that they at least bother to pretend to be polite - and it's the effort that counts!
I think sexual liberation is the key to the rudeness of a country's citizens. I know, because I bought a Playboy magazine for my guy friends (USD$8.99, dammit!), and they all appeared significantly happier."
Now you know why got so many TammyNYP lehhh??!!! I derno whether what she said reflects the current education policy in Singapore anot ... you mean this is what they taught you in skool??
"Fark and be merry!KAKAKAKAKA!!!!
No Fark turn Grouchy?"
In short that Fake Blonde fler is saying that How nice if Singapore can have as much *sleazy* whore house as Bangcock then they all will be nicer! Malaysia no whore house so we are not as nice ... we are all horny n fulla sperms and if you want your bf/guyfwen to be happy, buy him playboy magazines.
Why? Why buy him playboy magazines? Because you are gawd dem FUGLY!!! pity your bf/guyfwen! Let him wank at some pretty girls pics ok?!! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I think there are a fair numbers of Fler Singaporeans who reads Rojaks Daily ...... feel free to comment on this issue ok? We are all braders n sistas mah! I wont weck u wan! I only weck dog! Wuahahahaha!!!
This post were never meant to poke fun at flers Singaporean ... this post is only to weck certain shallow wide plump face blonde wannabe pink poodle oni! (Yea I admit I memang rude! but I oni rude to Wide Face pink poodle Blonde wannbe only ... Blow ah?)
erm ... Suanie is on hiatus so she cant blog buden she asked to add something here :
suanie.net says:Related Post :
Actually malaysians aren't rude, only to some tourists nia... !
- Pardon me, I’m not used to being polite. - Minishorts
Rojaks Daily Five Minutes of Fame
It was 2:30am I was about to switch off my notebook n goto sleep when suddenly an email kambing into my gmail, so I thot what the hell la, might as well check it 1st before i goto sleep la.
This is what I saw in my email :
I then fast fast call my fwen who is a loyal sapoter of MMail newspaper and managed to get a scanned copy of the article emailed to me. (Many tenkiu to my brader Vince. Soli brader! 3am in the morning ask u to scan this for me! lol ..... Wantan Mee on me ok?!)
Ladies and Genitalmen!! I presents to you my 5 minits of Fame!!11oneonesatu
Tenkiu Latuk Howsy for the infos!!! Who say blogging no future wan??!!!!
Ahmah! Ngo Duck Jor Lar!!!!
OK! 5 minits is up! Time to goto sleep now!
Link to Article in MMail : HERE
Link to Rojaks Daily Rude Malaysian Post : HERE
This is what I saw in my email :
howsy said...Majiam from that Movie Click only.
Eh, why lu neva blog about your kembang moment in Malay Mail har?2:18 AM
I then fast fast call my fwen who is a loyal sapoter of MMail newspaper and managed to get a scanned copy of the article emailed to me. (Many tenkiu to my brader Vince. Soli brader! 3am in the morning ask u to scan this for me! lol ..... Wantan Mee on me ok?!)
Ladies and Genitalmen!! I presents to you my 5 minits of Fame!!11oneonesatu
Tenkiu Latuk Howsy for the infos!!! Who say blogging no future wan??!!!!
Ahmah! Ngo Duck Jor Lar!!!!
OK! 5 minits is up! Time to goto sleep now!
Link to Article in MMail : HERE
Link to Rojaks Daily Rude Malaysian Post : HERE
Superman Returns - Still Superman meh? Sien ledi leh!
Superman Returns

I still remember last time got this Astro Boy, Ultraman and then this Superman that was long time ago ok? of coz the whole civilisation moved alot further than that era alredi and those who used to adores are now consider old fark ledi!
As age catches up, taste and prefrences also will change according to the enviroment and surroundings, and Superman in 2006 is defnitely not as exciting as Superman in the 70s and 80s. The red striking underwear on the outside is old trick ledi .... not much people fall for that nowadays, society today demand a more macho hero who dont play underwear underwear one.
In fact even die hard fan like me also prefer to see something else ...... I actually found a group of actor who is also into this superheros stunts themselves. They can do all kinda action from leaping off tall buildings or stopping a bullet with their bare hands. If those peeple in hollywood hire them in their latest movie I m sure it would be an instant hit!
Who am I toking about? Scroll down and see for yourself ler ....
Ladies and GENITALmen!!!
May I presents to you! the new Supergirls!!!!!
They are Super Tuahliap!! Super Hiao!! Super Sexy!!! Super Wet!! Super Horny!!! All also SuPER!!!!

If these girls are hired to act int he movie, huh! i tell you! Charlie Angels also knot fight!!!
How? you prefer the red spender outside Superman or Supergirls??!!!
p.s. : I ripped these pics from a blogger somewhere but i forgot who liow lol .... if i ripped this from you please lave me a message ok? I will like to credit you.

Synopsis:I actually quite skeptical about this movie, of coz hes my chilhood hero n all but it has been 30 over yrs alredi!
Following a mysterious absence of several years, the Man of Steel returns to Earth in a new chapter in the powerful saga of one of the world's best-loved superheroes. While dealing with an old enemy's plot to render him powerless once and for all, Superman faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she?
Superman's bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.

In fact even die hard fan like me also prefer to see something else ...... I actually found a group of actor who is also into this superheros stunts themselves. They can do all kinda action from leaping off tall buildings or stopping a bullet with their bare hands. If those peeple in hollywood hire them in their latest movie I m sure it would be an instant hit!
Who am I toking about? Scroll down and see for yourself ler ....
Ladies and GENITALmen!!!
May I presents to you! the new Supergirls!!!!!
They are Super Tuahliap!! Super Hiao!! Super Sexy!!! Super Wet!! Super Horny!!! All also SuPER!!!!

If these girls are hired to act int he movie, huh! i tell you! Charlie Angels also knot fight!!!
How? you prefer the red spender outside Superman or Supergirls??!!!
p.s. : I ripped these pics from a blogger somewhere but i forgot who liow lol .... if i ripped this from you please lave me a message ok? I will like to credit you.
26 June 2006
Sex and Football During this Glorious FIFA 2006 World Cup Season
We at Rojaks Daily understand the importance to have complete undevided concentration and sex even in this glorified football season therefore we created the Ultimate FIFA World Cup Wife/Gf remote control to ensure the welfare of all football fanatics are well taken care off during this crucial time.
Ladies and Genitalmen, May I present to you The ultimate Limited Editions Rojaks FIFA World Cup Remote control Model SEXO6969 and SEXO6967
This model SEXO6969 are design with budget concious people in mind, we thrown in the most essential commands that are required to help you go thru this football season with minimum sufferings.
Features :
Dimension : 6cm x 10cm x 1cm
Weight : 15gm
Battery : 1 x AA (not included)
OS : Bimbo Compatible
Retail Price : RM 1,699.00
Pleasure obtained by using this product : PRICELESS!!!
If you got alot more dough to burn then this is THE ultimate Wife/GF remote control for you! SEXO6967 comes with over 36 types of different commands and over 50,000 different combinations of commands can be derived from this single remote control alone! Your Worldcup experience will guaranteed to be an unforgetable one!
Features :
Dimension : 8cm x 25cm x 2cm
Weight : 15gm
Battery : 4 x AA (not included)
OS : 100% Bimbo Compatible
Retail Price : RM 11,889.67
Pleasure obtained by using this product : BETTER THAN HEAVEN!!!
Call the numbers on your screen now! If you call us within 30 minutes from this commercial we will throw in ONE blardee Year supplies of free Condom!!!!
Call us now at 1-300-I-DONT-NEED-TO-WANK-ANYMORE
Ladies and Genitalmen, May I present to you The ultimate Limited Editions Rojaks FIFA World Cup Remote control Model SEXO6969 and SEXO6967
This model SEXO6969 are design with budget concious people in mind, we thrown in the most essential commands that are required to help you go thru this football season with minimum sufferings.
Features :
- Gimme - BEER
- Gimme - FOOD
- Gimme - SEX
- Increase OR Decrease BOOBS SIZE
Dimension : 6cm x 10cm x 1cm
Weight : 15gm
Battery : 1 x AA (not included)
OS : Bimbo Compatible
Retail Price : RM 1,699.00
Pleasure obtained by using this product : PRICELESS!!!
If you got alot more dough to burn then this is THE ultimate Wife/GF remote control for you! SEXO6967 comes with over 36 types of different commands and over 50,000 different combinations of commands can be derived from this single remote control alone! Your Worldcup experience will guaranteed to be an unforgetable one!
Features :
- SPREAD LEGS (increase - decrease)
Dimension : 8cm x 25cm x 2cm
Weight : 15gm
Battery : 4 x AA (not included)
OS : 100% Bimbo Compatible
Retail Price : RM 11,889.67
Pleasure obtained by using this product : BETTER THAN HEAVEN!!!
Call the numbers on your screen now! If you call us within 30 minutes from this commercial we will throw in ONE blardee Year supplies of free Condom!!!!
Call us now at 1-300-I-DONT-NEED-TO-WANK-ANYMORE
FIFA WORLD CUP 2006- England 1 Ecuador 0
England marched into the World Cup quarter-final following
a narrow 1-0 victory over Ecuador in Stuttgart, Germany.
Team Captain David Beckham scored the winning goal in
the 60th mins from a beautiful free kick. This type of free
kicks is Beckham's trade mark.

Ecuador playing for the first time in 2nd round of World Cup
history put up a hard fought display. They nearly missed a
golden opportunity to come in front in the 12th mins when
Carlos Tenorio's shot took a deflection of Ashley Cole's leg
and struck the crossbar.

England boss, Sven-Goran Eriksson employed a 4-5-1
system with Wayne Rooney playing up front alone proved
to be a patchy display. He should in my opinion play 4-4-2.
Credit must be given to the Ecuadorian for cutting out
Eriksson's system. However, he realised and made two
changes bringing in Jamie Carragher and Aaron Lennon.

In the 65th mins Ecuador threatened to reply with a goal
by Segundo Castillo shot from the edge of penalty area
forcing England keeper Paul Robinson to dived and well
saved by the right hand post.

Now that England had qualified for the quarter-final, their
next game they will meet another giant killer either Portugal
or Netherlands (Holland) in Gelsenkirchen on 1st of July.
The question is CAN England go beyond that ??
The Statistics : -
England Ecuador
51% Possession 49%
8 Shots at goal 9
5 Corners 7
13 Fouls 24
3 Yellow card 3
0 Red card 0
a narrow 1-0 victory over Ecuador in Stuttgart, Germany.
Team Captain David Beckham scored the winning goal in
the 60th mins from a beautiful free kick. This type of free
kicks is Beckham's trade mark.

Ecuador playing for the first time in 2nd round of World Cup
history put up a hard fought display. They nearly missed a
golden opportunity to come in front in the 12th mins when
Carlos Tenorio's shot took a deflection of Ashley Cole's leg
and struck the crossbar.

England boss, Sven-Goran Eriksson employed a 4-5-1
system with Wayne Rooney playing up front alone proved
to be a patchy display. He should in my opinion play 4-4-2.
Credit must be given to the Ecuadorian for cutting out
Eriksson's system. However, he realised and made two
changes bringing in Jamie Carragher and Aaron Lennon.

In the 65th mins Ecuador threatened to reply with a goal
by Segundo Castillo shot from the edge of penalty area
forcing England keeper Paul Robinson to dived and well
saved by the right hand post.

Now that England had qualified for the quarter-final, their
next game they will meet another giant killer either Portugal
or Netherlands (Holland) in Gelsenkirchen on 1st of July.
The question is CAN England go beyond that ??
The Statistics : -
England Ecuador
51% Possession 49%
8 Shots at goal 9
5 Corners 7
13 Fouls 24
3 Yellow card 3
0 Red card 0
25 June 2006
FIFA WORLD CUP 2006- Germany 2 Sweden 0
A splendid display by the German team. Germany advanced to the
quarter-final of the Fifa World Cup. Lukas Podolski's two early goals
in the first half sink the Swedish team and out of the World Cup.
The Germans attacked the Swedish goalmouth from the starting
whistle and it pays off in the 4th mins when Podolski easily tap the
ball into the empty net when Miroslav Klose out marked two
defender inside the 6 yards box. Swedish keeper Andreas blocked
Klose shot and bounce to Podolski to tap it home.

Podolski celebrated his 1st goal.
Germany controlled throughout the entire game with 60% possession
to the Germans and 40% to the Swedish. Sweden's team were further
weakened in the 35th mins when defender Lucic was sent off for a
second yellow card for grabbing Klose.

The referee sent Lucic to the dressing room.
In the 53rd mins, Sweden were awarded a penalty. It is an opportunity
to reduce the scoreline when Larsson was fouled in the penalty box.
However, the vereran striker sent the ball wide high over the bar to
the germans crowds.

Larsson walking away rejected after the missed penalty. Torsten Frings & Ljungberg chasing after the ball.
Germany will play against the winner of the Argentina-Mexico tie.
The game is schedule at 3.00am today.
quarter-final of the Fifa World Cup. Lukas Podolski's two early goals
in the first half sink the Swedish team and out of the World Cup.
The Germans attacked the Swedish goalmouth from the starting
whistle and it pays off in the 4th mins when Podolski easily tap the
ball into the empty net when Miroslav Klose out marked two
defender inside the 6 yards box. Swedish keeper Andreas blocked
Klose shot and bounce to Podolski to tap it home.

Podolski celebrated his 1st goal.
Germany controlled throughout the entire game with 60% possession
to the Germans and 40% to the Swedish. Sweden's team were further
weakened in the 35th mins when defender Lucic was sent off for a
second yellow card for grabbing Klose.

The referee sent Lucic to the dressing room.
In the 53rd mins, Sweden were awarded a penalty. It is an opportunity
to reduce the scoreline when Larsson was fouled in the penalty box.
However, the vereran striker sent the ball wide high over the bar to
the germans crowds.

Larsson walking away rejected after the missed penalty. Torsten Frings & Ljungberg chasing after the ball.
Germany will play against the winner of the Argentina-Mexico tie.
The game is schedule at 3.00am today.
24 June 2006
Another Light & easy post .... no brainer ... just watch n luff you ass off ok?
Ever left your gf/wife at home while you hafta travel to other states or country bcoz of work?
I m sure many of you will utilise the webcam to help you keep in touch with your love one and also to check up on her right anot ? Well think again !
Watch the below video and then you will know what i am toking bout lol!
Have a nice weekend EVERiBODi!!!
Ever left your gf/wife at home while you hafta travel to other states or country bcoz of work?
I m sure many of you will utilise the webcam to help you keep in touch with your love one and also to check up on her right anot ? Well think again !
Watch the below video and then you will know what i am toking bout lol!
Have a nice weekend EVERiBODi!!!
Dumbass Angmoh Award Winner!!!
Weekend is here ... normally on weekend i will only post light light stuffs so you can let your blain rest more. :P
I present to you this video of the Winner of Dumbass Angmoh Video Festival ... Just watch and luff your ass off!
Have a nice weekend EVERiBODi!!!
I present to you this video of the Winner of Dumbass Angmoh Video Festival ... Just watch and luff your ass off!
Have a nice weekend EVERiBODi!!!
23 June 2006
1st!!! I am here first!!! erm .. Where is Everybody?
As usual, Malaysian Culture ..... appointment 7:30pm but 7:20pm nobody here. So here I am in this place call All Stars Sport Cafe in Mid Valley. Who want come??!!! fast fast come!!!! whole bunch of us waiting for u here!!!!

Nice place huh? hehe we r not in the open place ler ... we in the VVIP room so if you wanna come gimme a call first ok? *Winks*

22 June 2006
Kuala Lumpur - Third Rudest City in the world
Malaysia Bull-eh!!! Anoder World Record by fler Malaysians.
There is an article bout this in the New Straits Time yesday talking about how KL are ranked 3rd rudest city in the world and I totally agree with that! LINK
But what they dont know is KL is also the only city with the highest number of Millionaires per square meter! Everyone seems to own a piece of road themself, because its their road and they own it, they can drive anyway they wanted. It doesnt matter they are on the wrong side of the road nor does it matter if they are endangering the life of other road users ... its their road and they can drive anyway they like! If you dont like that, then goan buy your own road ok?!

Today I was on my way to Carrefour Sri Endah when suddenly this millionaire in his Marsilee (whois on the wrong side of the traffic) charged towards me knowing I would let him pass .... he knew I would step on my brakes and let him have his way bcoz I m pretty dem sure he is the millionaire who bought this road (judging from the way he drives)
So, the next time someone ask you why Malaysian so rude, you tell them because most of the rude peeple were Millionaires!
There is an article bout this in the New Straits Time yesday talking about how KL are ranked 3rd rudest city in the world and I totally agree with that! LINK
Rude cities: KL ranks third
21 Jun 2006
KUALA LUMPUR: It wouldn’t surprise anyone who drives, parks, shops or uses public transport here, but Malaysia’s capital city has emerged the third-worst in the world for sheer rudeness.
Only Bucharest and Mumbai are worse when it comes to common courtesy, a Reader’s Digest survey of 35 of the world’s capitals has found.
Asian cities generally fared poorly in these rankings, eight of nine of them in the bottom 11, raising the notion that what is considered courtesy in the West — holding doors, helping strangers, service with a smile — is culturally alien in Asia.
But what they dont know is KL is also the only city with the highest number of Millionaires per square meter! Everyone seems to own a piece of road themself, because its their road and they own it, they can drive anyway they wanted. It doesnt matter they are on the wrong side of the road nor does it matter if they are endangering the life of other road users ... its their road and they can drive anyway they like! If you dont like that, then goan buy your own road ok?!

Today I was on my way to Carrefour Sri Endah when suddenly this millionaire in his Marsilee (whois on the wrong side of the traffic) charged towards me knowing I would let him pass .... he knew I would step on my brakes and let him have his way bcoz I m pretty dem sure he is the millionaire who bought this road (judging from the way he drives)
So, the next time someone ask you why Malaysian so rude, you tell them because most of the rude peeple were Millionaires!
a Tribute to FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 - Best Video So Far! (18SX & NSFW)
WARNING : The Video you gonna see at later part of this post are NSFW and its 18SX, So if you are under 18 years old and you hated football very much, then you should leave now. Those who are at work please leave now or do not hold me responsible if you kena fired. Others proceed at your own risk.
HAHAHA!!! Guys I must apologise, the video looked so wrong! Maybe this is why u all like football so much huh?! lol!!!
Girls .... stop drooling pls ... and stop rubbing the screen, that aint gonna change anything!
Finally, to those who are gay ... stop wanking pulexz!
Many thanks to my buddy bleargh.net for hosting the files for me, and to Janice who sent me this video.
HAHAHA!!! Guys I must apologise, the video looked so wrong! Maybe this is why u all like football so much huh?! lol!!!
Girls .... stop drooling pls ... and stop rubbing the screen, that aint gonna change anything!
Finally, to those who are gay ... stop wanking pulexz!
Many thanks to my buddy bleargh.net for hosting the files for me, and to Janice who sent me this video.
21 June 2006
Ahbeng the Insurance Agent
Ever noticed how we chinese sometimes face some difficulties in pronoucing some of the english words because our tongue are simply not trained to say "R" or "L" or "J" or "S" ? This seems to be more obvious among those who studied in Chinese skools ... our joke today will evolve around this kinda mis-pronnounced words. Why I am telling you this? Well dats bcoz i tried it on a few fler and they dont get the punchline! A Joke without punchline is like a guy without balls! Comprendo?!
This time Ahbeng is chinese educated, not very good in Engrish but he got an Engrish name .... his Engrish name is Jackson. Jackson Chow Ahbeng.
Ahbeng just got a job as a insurance agent in a well known insurance company. Since this is his new job and he is also never been selling insurance before, Ahbeng is working really hard on this .... he learnt all there is to learn about this industries and he also learnt about consumer physcology and how to make them say yes. (Just like the stuffs Lampe Berger is using on you guys)

This caught The Boss's attention, The Boss decided to check out Ahbeng a.k.a. Jackson. One day he decided to bug Ahbeng's phone, he wanna listen to Ahbeng talking to his clients and evaluate his skills from the phone calls he made.
After about 8 phone calls from Ahbeng to his clients The Boss were really impressed, The Boss then decided to have a chat with Ahbeng .... he walks up to Ahbeng and .....
Boss : Wuah Young man! your persuasion skill is among the best I ever seen!
Ahbeng : Eh! you are my CEO! Thank you sir!
Boss : Tell me young man, where did you pick up that skills from?
Ahbeng : I picked it up in Yale sir.
Boss : YALE? I am from YALE myself too! What a coincident! I sense we will have a lot in common young man!
Ahbeng : Yes sir.
Boss : So, whats your name sonny?
Ahbeng : My name is Yackson Sir!
I know some of you still dont get the punchline, nvm nvm ... read it a few times then u will understand ok? If read a few times alredi still dun understand then u walk out to the middle of the street and let the city bus run over you ok?!!!
20 June 2006
Pheeweett!!! Help Vote for this 2 Lengluis!!!!
My taikor Jason asked me to help this 2 lengluis win the Maybeline Beauty contest, his "frend" is contesting and he would be happy if they could win .... I would be happy too! I think the lengluis would be the happiest!!!
Maybe after they won the contest they will throw us one party! hows that? Well first, you guys gotta help them win by voting for them lor!
What you waiting for?? Click HERE to vote for this 2 lengluis!!!! If they won then Jason taikor will blanja everybodi makan nasi ayam ball ball!!!
See properly before vote wei! dun wrongly vote for other girls lar kanneh!!! vote for the girls in the above pic can?!!!!
ok kautim sau kung!

What you waiting for?? Click HERE to vote for this 2 lengluis!!!! If they won then Jason taikor will blanja everybodi makan nasi ayam ball ball!!!
See properly before vote wei! dun wrongly vote for other girls lar kanneh!!! vote for the girls in the above pic can?!!!!
ok kautim sau kung!
Subang Immigration Service Counters
Dragged outta my bed bloody early on a drizzling morning and forced to drive all the way in mader farking crazy traffic jam, i derno how you folks can do it everyday, but if i gotta drive in this kinda traffic conditions every farking morning then you better kill me.
I m better off being a PRO-blogger who works at home. Now I know why they gomen wanna increase petrol price ledi .... look at how much fuel you are burning everyday~!
I was told by my bro-in-law that this subang imigration department is one of the peeple-less imigration service counter in town. What he forgot to tell me was that the blardee federal highway is one of the most annoying highway in town too!
Its almost 10pm and a peek into the public waiting area revelas that there is still plenty of empty space n seats. Unlike the filled-to-the-brim imigration service center in Wilayah Complex that i used to go to.
See how *comfortable* it is? plenty of chairs and definitely not crowded, they even got an instant photo booth and photocopy center within the premises itself so you dont hafta freak out if you dont have your pictures taken and your documents photocopied. You can do it all here.
If you are here to renew your passport or to make a new one, just goto counter 11 and ask the nice fler to give u the form (RM1) each, fill in the form, attach photographs and photocopied documents then submit to counter 1. You will then be given a number .... just sit and wait for your numbers to be called. Our turn comes up 5 minutes after we submitted our forms.
By far this is the most efficient imigration services center in the whole blardee Malaysia!!!!
Ah? why am I here? err ... see answer down below
NEH .. this blardee Lil Devil wanna bikin passport ler! RM150 Burnt *sigh*
This Immigration services center is located just before terminal 3 old subang international airport.
This post is made possible by Digi Edge, just as fast as 3G broadband, if not faster! :P
Its a Rojaks Life - Malaysia's Ricky Martin
Have you ever had this kinda experience before?
Hahahaha!!! How? Malaysia RicKee MahTing hansem anot??!!!
Hahahaha!!! How? Malaysia RicKee MahTing hansem anot??!!!
19 June 2006
Why You Shouldnt Talk Long Long on your Handphone!
I am one of the handphone victim in real life, I do not wanna go into details here but the its enuff to make me go thru a great deal of sufferings.
After that incident I always tell people do not chat too long on the handphone because it will do you a more harm than good. If you wanna have a long chat on your handphone please use hands free kit, that is less damaging but still not recomended.
I received an article about how damaging in my inbox today and I wanna share this piece of information with everyone here.
This is an experiment done by 2 Russian journalist to find out how damaging the handphone radiation is to our brain.
How To Cook an Egg with Mobile Phones
I might add it takes approximately 2 minutes of speaking on a cellular phone for the radiation to cross the protective Blood Brain Barrier. So whenever there is a landline available, use it in preference to your cell.
Enjoy the interesting article I received from the Raw Family... How Two Russian Journalists Cooked an Egg with their Mobile Phones

Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.
The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.

After, 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.
25 minutes: The egg became very warm.
40 minutes: The egg became very hot.
65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)

Conclusion 1: Cooking eggs with mobile phones is possible but very expensive (US$4.55 or 123 Rubles)
Conclusion 2: All this talk of danger is exaggerated; even if your brain gets cooked, it would take a couple hours of talking on a cell phone.
Conclusion 3: We do not recommend carrying cell phone in your pants. (it will be able to fry your balls)
Photos by Anatoly Zhdanov.
Translated into English by Victoria Boutenko.
Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 23, 2006
Be very careful when using your handphone to boil poridge ok? This is anoder community message bought to you by Rojaks Daily
After that incident I always tell people do not chat too long on the handphone because it will do you a more harm than good. If you wanna have a long chat on your handphone please use hands free kit, that is less damaging but still not recomended.
I received an article about how damaging in my inbox today and I wanna share this piece of information with everyone here.
This is an experiment done by 2 Russian journalist to find out how damaging the handphone radiation is to our brain.
How To Cook an Egg with Mobile Phones
I might add it takes approximately 2 minutes of speaking on a cellular phone for the radiation to cross the protective Blood Brain Barrier. So whenever there is a landline available, use it in preference to your cell.
Enjoy the interesting article I received from the Raw Family... How Two Russian Journalists Cooked an Egg with their Mobile Phones
Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.
The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.
After, 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.
25 minutes: The egg became very warm.
40 minutes: The egg became very hot.
65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)
Conclusion 1: Cooking eggs with mobile phones is possible but very expensive (US$4.55 or 123 Rubles)
Conclusion 2: All this talk of danger is exaggerated; even if your brain gets cooked, it would take a couple hours of talking on a cell phone.
Conclusion 3: We do not recommend carrying cell phone in your pants. (it will be able to fry your balls)
Photos by Anatoly Zhdanov.
Translated into English by Victoria Boutenko.
Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 23, 2006
Be very careful when using your handphone to boil poridge ok? This is anoder community message bought to you by Rojaks Daily
I got tagged by Cynthia to do this interestly exciting meme (Oh boy i m so excited!)
4 jobs I would stink at: Stink means awfully smelly right?
4 jobs I would stink at: Stink means awfully smelly right?
- Garbage collector (they stink isnt it?)
- Indah Water Feces pumper (they stinks too!)
- Dentist (imagine if your jobs requires you to look at rotten teeth and stinko mouth day in and day out!)
- Marathon runner (Have you ever go near them after they finish running? Eww!! )
- Wingz (I still like this one best!)
- Very Hansem
- Hou Lan Chat Hansem
- Hou Kau Lan Chat Hai Kau Hansem
ThreesomeTrilogy - Bond .... James Bond
- Chinese Opera
- All Movies Starring Baat Leung Gum
- Any beer thats is provided FREE OF CHARGE
- Todi Cap Tiga Bintang
- Home Made Tuak
- Late Harvest(Australia) or Ice Wine(Canada) (of vintage years one la)
- Heaven (Bocz for sure I know I m going to hell, so this is the only chance I can see what I m gonna be missing later)
- The House of Micheal Jackson ( I wanna see for myself if this fler really a child molester)
- North Pole (Someone told me that if you peing in the open, you pee can turn into ice within 5 seconds after discharge from your kkc, if thats is true then i wanna make lotsa ice scruptures with my pee)
- Iraq (I've been told that the situation there is pretty much the same as in Hell, since i m going to hell later ... why not familiarise myself 1st right?)
- Play dead and pretend I m now a corpse
- Pretend I m still a bachelor so i dont hafta wakeup early to bring my family to breakfast
- Bring Lil Devil to the park and ogle at pretty chicks
- Bobby Yip King Sang
- Jacky Cheung
- Charmine Sheh
- Yua Aida
- Handphone (double as vibrator, Media player, personal computer, fax machine and communication devices)
- Hamtais
- My KKC
- My left hand ( Right hand also can but i feel left hand more comfy ler)
- Gigantic Vibrator
- GPS NAvigation unit
- Sunto Dive Watch
- Tag Heuer Monaco 69
- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
- Ahpek
- 5xmom
- Inevitable
FIFA WORLD CUP 2006- Brazil 2 Australia 0
Brazil comfirmed their place in the round of 16 after demolishing
Australia 2-0 in Munich on early Sunday. It was scoreless in the
first half. In the second half, Brazilian Ronaldo brilliant squared
to Adriano to score from 18 yards in the 4th mins. Super sub
Fred sealed the game for the Australian in the 90th mins from
a cannon from post and he easily tapped the loose ball home.

Adriano left footer 1st goal for the Brazilian.

Adriano celebrate his goal
In the 86th mins, Australian John Aloisi meets a long clearance and
heads on for Mark Viduka. Racing into the area, the Middlesbrough
man chip the ball over the advancing keeper Dida but it come down
on the roof of the net and not in it. This was the only chance for the
Aussies to equalised.

Ronaldo dribbling two Australian player
It was not a vintage display, but the Brazilian had done just enough
to win while Australia were left needing to secure only a draw against
the Croatia to join them in the last 16 in Group F. A happy ending for
the Brazilian and sad for the Australian.

The Brazilian chicks says See you in round 2.
The Statistics :-
Brazil Australia
53% Possession 47%
16 Shots 14
7 Corners 4
9 Fouls 25
3 Yellow card 2
0 Red card 0
Australia 2-0 in Munich on early Sunday. It was scoreless in the
first half. In the second half, Brazilian Ronaldo brilliant squared
to Adriano to score from 18 yards in the 4th mins. Super sub
Fred sealed the game for the Australian in the 90th mins from
a cannon from post and he easily tapped the loose ball home.

Adriano left footer 1st goal for the Brazilian.

Adriano celebrate his goal
In the 86th mins, Australian John Aloisi meets a long clearance and
heads on for Mark Viduka. Racing into the area, the Middlesbrough
man chip the ball over the advancing keeper Dida but it come down
on the roof of the net and not in it. This was the only chance for the
Aussies to equalised.

Ronaldo dribbling two Australian player
It was not a vintage display, but the Brazilian had done just enough
to win while Australia were left needing to secure only a draw against
the Croatia to join them in the last 16 in Group F. A happy ending for
the Brazilian and sad for the Australian.

The Brazilian chicks says See you in round 2.
The Statistics :-
Brazil Australia
53% Possession 47%
16 Shots 14
7 Corners 4
9 Fouls 25
3 Yellow card 2
0 Red card 0
Riddle :How Many Hours is a Flight From KLIA to Phuket?
Just a short one today, I was shopping for holiday packages online and I stumbled upon this piece of information (which is quite unbelievable).
How long does a flight from KLIA to Phuket takes?
Guess first lar before you scroll down for the answer! diu!
Got your answer ledi? ok now u can scroll down and compare your answer with the one u had in mind. you would be in for a big suprise!
It only takes a freaking 15 minutes to fly from KLIA to Phuket ok!!!! Unbelievable isnt it?! It says Departure 12:45 and Arrival is 13:00 .....

p.s. : I know lar ... i dint take into account the different time zone ler mahh ... diu! i purposely wanna bikin havoc can anot? Wuahahahahha!!
How long does a flight from KLIA to Phuket takes?
Guess first lar before you scroll down for the answer! diu!
Got your answer ledi? ok now u can scroll down and compare your answer with the one u had in mind. you would be in for a big suprise!
It only takes a freaking 15 minutes to fly from KLIA to Phuket ok!!!! Unbelievable isnt it?! It says Departure 12:45 and Arrival is 13:00 .....

p.s. : I know lar ... i dint take into account the different time zone ler mahh ... diu! i purposely wanna bikin havoc can anot? Wuahahahahha!!
16 June 2006
Father's Day - A Tale Never Told
Most of the time you would see me cracking jokes in my blog but today its a little bit different, today I wanna blog as a father and at the same time as a son. I have been a father for 4 years, of coz there is of coz lotsa ups and downs within this 4 years, I still remember very clearly that during my first year as a father ... I actually do not know what I should do or how to be a father.
I mean its like, "Hey! Ima Dad now! erm ... but what kinda stuffs should I do as a father huh?" What is the adjustment I should make in order for me to be a father to my son? Am I totally ready for this?
I later found out that, you can never be ready to be a father .... there isnt a book in this entire farking sick world that tells you how to be a father and after a while of looking for such answer I gave up.
4 years later I found my answer .... to be a father you just hafta love your child, just be a father. Of course sacrifices hafta be made, you dont get to go out for much mamak sessions, very little karaoke parties, cut down on mahjong tiles and many many more. With all the time saved from all those *extra-curriculum activites* you spend it with your child, teach him, guide him, shape him, mould him so he would grow up to be a healthy person both physically and mentally.
Young parents nowadays are abit different in thinking, I know quite a few couple who would just leave their kid with the nanny for most of the weekdays and will only bring the kid back on weekends. Their excuse? No time la! troublesome la! with the baby around I cant go out with my friends, I got shopping to do, aiyah! I hafta work so that i would be able to pay the nanny. Those are the regular excuses that i have been getting from those parents only met their kid once a week. I really do not think such a people should be call father or mother, the correct name for them would be Birth Giver, for they only know how to give birth to a child but they do not know that to be a proper parents.
Such peoples thought the job of a father would only be limited to provide for the child financially and the nanny would take care of the rest, if only life were that easy. Later when the kid screw up then they will blame the kid for his bad behaviour but have they ever ask themself "What had i teached him all these while? Where did he learnt all these bad behaviours from? No one ever told him that what he did was wrong? Where am I all these while?"
4 years ago I was in holland with my late boss together with his youngest son attending to a global seminar, he wanted to groom his youngest son and expose him to the business enviroment so that one day he could take over his position. Then come one evening he saw something in the rubbish bin in his hotel room, it was a brand new Calvin Klien underwear his son just opened this morning. That night he had an arguement with his son and he dragged me out for a drink, that is when he told me this "I think I m quite a succesful businessman, but I am a terrible father. "
If given the choice, what would you choose?
Anyone could celebrate father's day BUT do you truly deserves it? That is entirely a different question.
On the other hand, do you noticed how commercialised father's day is nowadays? There is this Radio advertisement that were presented by a lady in her half bake canto telling you that you should buy your oldman a massage chair if you wanna show to him that you are a fillial son.
What a bunch of crap! Seriously dude! If you think father's day is the only day you care about your oldman then pulez drop dead now and spare us the oxygen. I seriously think this mother's day, father's day celebration is solely meant to boost sales nationwide. Suddenly everyone bcome so fillial ledi, everyone buying gifts for their oldman and bringing him out to expensive restaurant for dinner. Why suddenly so nice ledi one ar? or maybe bcoz they wanna show off to their neighbours/relatives how rich they are?
If you dint know yet, you are allowed to tell your dad how much you love him every single day and not only on father's day ok? so, dont be so fake and act all goody goody boy when on a regular day you dont even remember your oldman is still alive!
How Am I gonna celebrate father's day? I prolly would just stay at home and resume my daily life as usual, I dont hafta do anything extraordinary for my oldman just because its father's day .... I am doing that every single day of my life!
Before I end this boring post of mine, I would like to share with you all a joke that durex sent me last year :
Happy Father's Day to all blogging DADs and to Fathers all over the world.
I mean its like, "Hey! Ima Dad now! erm ... but what kinda stuffs should I do as a father huh?" What is the adjustment I should make in order for me to be a father to my son? Am I totally ready for this?
I later found out that, you can never be ready to be a father .... there isnt a book in this entire farking sick world that tells you how to be a father and after a while of looking for such answer I gave up.
4 years later I found my answer .... to be a father you just hafta love your child, just be a father. Of course sacrifices hafta be made, you dont get to go out for much mamak sessions, very little karaoke parties, cut down on mahjong tiles and many many more. With all the time saved from all those *extra-curriculum activites* you spend it with your child, teach him, guide him, shape him, mould him so he would grow up to be a healthy person both physically and mentally.
Young parents nowadays are abit different in thinking, I know quite a few couple who would just leave their kid with the nanny for most of the weekdays and will only bring the kid back on weekends. Their excuse? No time la! troublesome la! with the baby around I cant go out with my friends, I got shopping to do, aiyah! I hafta work so that i would be able to pay the nanny. Those are the regular excuses that i have been getting from those parents only met their kid once a week. I really do not think such a people should be call father or mother, the correct name for them would be Birth Giver, for they only know how to give birth to a child but they do not know that to be a proper parents.
Such peoples thought the job of a father would only be limited to provide for the child financially and the nanny would take care of the rest, if only life were that easy. Later when the kid screw up then they will blame the kid for his bad behaviour but have they ever ask themself "What had i teached him all these while? Where did he learnt all these bad behaviours from? No one ever told him that what he did was wrong? Where am I all these while?"
4 years ago I was in holland with my late boss together with his youngest son attending to a global seminar, he wanted to groom his youngest son and expose him to the business enviroment so that one day he could take over his position. Then come one evening he saw something in the rubbish bin in his hotel room, it was a brand new Calvin Klien underwear his son just opened this morning. That night he had an arguement with his son and he dragged me out for a drink, that is when he told me this "I think I m quite a succesful businessman, but I am a terrible father. "
If given the choice, what would you choose?
Anyone could celebrate father's day BUT do you truly deserves it? That is entirely a different question.
On the other hand, do you noticed how commercialised father's day is nowadays? There is this Radio advertisement that were presented by a lady in her half bake canto telling you that you should buy your oldman a massage chair if you wanna show to him that you are a fillial son.
What a bunch of crap! Seriously dude! If you think father's day is the only day you care about your oldman then pulez drop dead now and spare us the oxygen. I seriously think this mother's day, father's day celebration is solely meant to boost sales nationwide. Suddenly everyone bcome so fillial ledi, everyone buying gifts for their oldman and bringing him out to expensive restaurant for dinner. Why suddenly so nice ledi one ar? or maybe bcoz they wanna show off to their neighbours/relatives how rich they are?
If you dint know yet, you are allowed to tell your dad how much you love him every single day and not only on father's day ok? so, dont be so fake and act all goody goody boy when on a regular day you dont even remember your oldman is still alive!
How Am I gonna celebrate father's day? I prolly would just stay at home and resume my daily life as usual, I dont hafta do anything extraordinary for my oldman just because its father's day .... I am doing that every single day of my life!
Before I end this boring post of mine, I would like to share with you all a joke that durex sent me last year :
A Father's Day message brought to you by the award winning condom in USA - DUREX! :
To all those who used or uses our competitor's products all these while, HAPPY FATHER's DAY !!!! "
For full story click HERE
Happy Father's Day to all blogging DADs and to Fathers all over the world.
FIFA WORLD CUP 2006- England 2 Trinidad & Tobago 0
England booked their place in the last 16 in the knockout stage of the
Fifa World Cup 2006 with a 2 - 0 win over Trinidad & Tobago but they
done it late before striker Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard scored.
Peter Crouch who missed too many chances had done it right in the 83rd
mins through David Beckham cross. Crouch power header had passed
Trinidad's keeper Shaka Hislop. It was the first goal. Seven minutes later,
Steven Gerrard wrapped the game up with a stunning left footer in the
91st mins.

Peter Crouch 1st goal header.

Crouch header crossed from Beckham
Credit must be given to Trinidad & Tobago for preventing England from
scoring from the start until the 83rd mins. England played poorly although
they dominate the game with 67% possession. Then England boss Stev-
Goran Eriksson made some technical changes bringing in Wayne Rooney,
Aaron Lennon and Stevart Downing. This had put on some spark in the

Robinson saves a crossed.

In save hand, Hislop catches the ball from a corner.
Rooney linked up well with Crouch, who freed Lampard but his shot
went straight at Hislop. Lampard had yet another strike 60 seconds
later, this one fizzing right across the face of goal and wide.
The Statistics :-
England Trinidad & Tobago
67% Possession 33%
23 Goal Attempt 7
7 Corners 3
15 Fouls 19
1 Yellow card 5
0 Red card 0
Fifa World Cup 2006 with a 2 - 0 win over Trinidad & Tobago but they
done it late before striker Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard scored.
Peter Crouch who missed too many chances had done it right in the 83rd
mins through David Beckham cross. Crouch power header had passed
Trinidad's keeper Shaka Hislop. It was the first goal. Seven minutes later,
Steven Gerrard wrapped the game up with a stunning left footer in the
91st mins.

Peter Crouch 1st goal header.

Crouch header crossed from Beckham
Credit must be given to Trinidad & Tobago for preventing England from
scoring from the start until the 83rd mins. England played poorly although
they dominate the game with 67% possession. Then England boss Stev-
Goran Eriksson made some technical changes bringing in Wayne Rooney,
Aaron Lennon and Stevart Downing. This had put on some spark in the

Robinson saves a crossed.

In save hand, Hislop catches the ball from a corner.
Rooney linked up well with Crouch, who freed Lampard but his shot
went straight at Hislop. Lampard had yet another strike 60 seconds
later, this one fizzing right across the face of goal and wide.
The Statistics :-
England Trinidad & Tobago
67% Possession 33%
23 Goal Attempt 7
7 Corners 3
15 Fouls 19
1 Yellow card 5
0 Red card 0
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