WARNING : Sensitive religious joke .... do not continue if you do not feel comfortable with this kinda jokes.
Long long time ago lives a tycoon name Ahpek in a small village beneath the Shaolin mountain. This Ahpek really hamsap one and he loves Chickens! Everyday he would call the chicken without fail wan! Because Ahpek is the richest man in the village he managed to get supplies of fresh daily chickens without any problems also becoz of this hobby of his Ahpek is also nicknamed Chicken Worm by the villagers.
In chinese 'Chicken Worm means :- A fler whos addicted to hookers/whores'
And there is this Shaolin temple on top of the mountain (Of coz since this village is located beneath the Shaolin moutain there tend to be a Shaolin temple on top of the moutain la!) The Grand Shaolin Master has been hearing complains about Ahpek doings and made a statement to condem his rotten hobby, this pissed Ahpek off tremendously.
One day Ahpek with a few of his followers and a bunch of hookers goes up the hill to look for the Shaolin Master. Upon arrival at the main entrance to the shaolin temple Ahpek demanded to see the Shaolin Master. Ahpek, his followers and all the hookers are then lead to the main kungfu hall where they shall wait for the arrival of the Shaolin Master.
A few minutes later the Shaolin Master appeared and imediately Ahpek jumped out and said to him :
Ahpek : Grand Shaolin Master! I heard you tok bad about me! I do not belif that you and your shaolin monks are so holy and could not be tempted with sex! I challenge you to a SHAOLIN SHOWDOWN! If I lose I will forever forbid myself from calling chicken anymore! But if you lose, you would have to let these hookers rape you for 3 days and 3 nights!
Shaolin Master : I accept your challenge! You may choose up to 5 monks including myself for this Shaolin Showdown.
Ahpek : Ok! I choose you and 4 others monks who is standing over there at the entrance one.
Shaolin Master : As you wish, I will now ask my assistant to bring out the ultimate tools for this test.
Ahpek : OK! I accept your condition!
Shaolin Master : Cocka! Go and bring out the Sacred Kukuciao’s Rings at once!
Shaolin Master : Each and everyone of us shall be totally naked with the “SACRED KKC’s Ring” around our kkc. Then we will have all these hookers undress in front of us all at once! The KKC bell will start ringing once the erection starts. The duration of the whole showdown would be for 20 minutes! No participants are allowed to leave before that!
Ahpek : I accept! ok lets start!All 6s of them including Ahpek go buck naked and hand the Sacred KKC's ring on their KKC and those hookers beginning to slowly and seductively removes their clothing 1 piece at a time. 3 minutes down the line Ahpek is abit arouse ledi ... at the 7 minutes marks the bell to Ahpek Sacred KKC's ring beginning to make some "Ling! Long!" sound ledi but all the monks KKC's ring still pretty much silent, not even a single movement.
12 minutes down the line Ahpek sacred KKC's ring is ringing even louder than before, this is due to the massive erection Ahpek is having but all the monks still remain cool and their KKC's ring still havent produce even the slightest sound yet.

Its now 17 minutes into the showdown and Ahpek Sacred KKC's ring is virtually jumping up and down like a man riding a wild horse lidat! Ahpek 's KKC went totally wild jumping up and down uncontrollably and the bell is getting louder and louder every seconds! The monks still remained cool and calm like nothings is happening lidat.
Finally The Sacred KKC's ring on Ahpek 's KKC couldnt take anymore abuse from Ahpek and drop onto the floor due to the excessive movements (also due to Ahpek kkc's size too small for the sacred ring la! sshhh... you dint hear this from me ok?)
Ahpek look at his Sacred KKC's ring on the floor, he then look at all the other 5 monks, their kkc's ring still intact, infact they havent move at all! Ahpek really could not belif this! This is impossible! How can the monks not aroused by those sexy, sluty hookers??!!!
Pissed and honry Ahpek step forward to pick up his Sacred KKC's ring ...... as he is picking up his sacred kkc ring he heard alotsa BELLS is ringing simultaneously behind him! All at once!!!
WHY??!!! What did those monks saw that gaves them instant erection???!!! WHY? WHAT??!! HOW COME??!!!
You wanna know the answer? Scroll down la!
AAAHHH!!!! So, this is what those monks saw!!!!

Note : This is a fiction story made solely for entertaiment purposes only. No one dead or alive orhalf dead or half alive are associated with this story. Even if there is such a person then it is purely by coincident!