1 September 2005

Body Painting - Race Queen for Honda [18SX]

Got these photographs from a friend some time ago, it looks like Honda is launching some kinda new superbike coupled with fehmes nude artist in Japan. Jab-penis really got such a good taste when it comes to "ART" LOL! Enjoy~~

Honda Lenglui giving Autograph to perverted fans. LOL!

See ? Lenglui anot ??? *lau bei heut*

Lenglui Warming up on a Honda superbike.

hmm ... right boob abit off, lemme cover your pinkish nipple first ....

left boob color also abit out, lemme fix it sommo.

Wuah .... this post very the elegant ahh!!!

side view not bad hor ? perky perky ... sharp sharp .....*slurpsss*

Note : *guys (especially AhPek) pls dont wank to the pics pls ... OMFGLMAO!!!*


  1. wakakaa. first to comment. okay, make it a very intellectual observation, lah.

    she is very well proportioned, which keeps distortion of the painted surface minimal. well shaped breasts makes for a good painting surface, though i can't be too sure about the paintbrush material. in all likelihood, it probably is a horsehair type, because it's one of the few fibers soft enough to paint well on soft materials. of course, we must also consider the issue of having a nice face, because a nice frame always makes a picture look better, no? besides that, ignoring the wanking fans, it's very classy art.

  2. quick : eh lets say if we change the subject to a male with more or less the same quality that she have ... do u still think its classy anot ? *Gay Test* LMAO!

    neberdaless ... nice observation sial ... ini misti expert kap luis one

  3. She looked like she got no nipple like that ler

  4. knn, she pretty meh? :( i want prettier girls can ah?

  5. inevitable, i think that's the wonder of ART. has nipples oso can draw until like no nipple. LOL!!

  6. inevitable : u never heard of nipple tapes one ka ?

    butt : can!! sun complex berlambak!

    crazygrr| : den can draw till no kkc anot ar ? lol!

  7. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Dey, she's wearing nipple caps lah. :P

    I like the stallion tho.

    I only have one complaint - how come when a leng lui has her body painted it looks really nice; but when I do the same it looks hilarious? NOT fair.

  8. err, well. gay test, ar. not really fair lor. i did have gay tendencies once. lolz. i like to think i have varied tastes now. lolz. but artistically leh, if they can carry it off, sure what. but my expectations of guys quite high lor. must be ripped. if not don't show. separuh masak musculature is not very pretty to see. like me. got lotsa fats all over the place, lolz.

    and no, not expert leh. beginner with damn chun punye luck, lolz.

  9. Woi Wingz! After looking at the pics make my nose bleed le.

  10. barger, willwolf you only got nose bleed ah? myself little brother terus spit out oh!
    you really no good lah wingz. make old man dirty his pants.

  11. willwolf : taikor aku also nose bleed ler *lau bei huets*

    Ahpek : wuah ... old ledi the kkc muscle tarak control one ka ? lol

  12. eh? the motor wat number ah? I saw the damacai kuda in front of her chest wor.


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