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Jomel : I just left the Hospital, she looks better today.Breathing more comfortably, not struggling, twice eyes open slightly look at me.I asked her to blink if she can see me, her eyelids moved abit .... There is hope.
When I saw SCB, she was not hooked onto the ventilator. She was breathing on her own. I was glad when I saw that. Her breathing is heavy and hard. Heart rate is normal.
With one hand holding her cold hand, and the other touching her forehead, I spoke softly to her. I saw a tear coming out from the corner of her eyes. I asked the nurse, "Is her brain functioning? Can she hear what I said? See, there's a tear coming out of the corner of her eye!"
Nurse said, "Yes, brain's functioning, though not to its full capacity. Yes, she can hear you.
I still can remember clearly on that day itself, she offered me a ciggaette as I do not carry cigarette with me when i go out, it was Salem light we had a smoke and talked bout others things in life .... little do i expect things would turn out like this for her.
Very sorry for not able to inform you all earlier about what happen to Siao Char Bor (SCB) .
She is currently in ICU in Gleneagle, Ampang. She collapsed while in Rum Jungle, last Saturday night (8 April 2006). Her current condition is stable, but still in state of coma until today. I hope and pray that she will wake up very soon.
"Liong Sick and Kick Siang! Look! What's that ah?" He asked, while pulling the object out of the bushes. He promptly screamed as he noticed droplets of blood clinging to his fingers...
Go HERE to read all the chapters from chapter 1 till chapter 1910 years have passed…
Lin Peh is now 16 years old. He stays with Untie Helen whilst all his brothers have gone to stay on their own. The day when Untie Lin stabbed to death her lover was the day Lin Peh’s life screwed up.
Axe Brand Wind Oil!Canto : Tau Tung, Tau Warn, Sun Hing, Lan harn, chee buy harn, Seng Mou nang cheng yung Foo Tau Piu Fung Yau la!
Malayu: Kapla Sakit, Kapla Pening, Badan Panas, cipap gatal, Konek Gatal, Konek Tak naik sila pakai Minyak Angin Cap Kapak la!
Yingrish : Head Pain, Head Spin, body hot, kok itchy, cipap itchy, impotent please use Axe Brand Wind Oil la!
Why not viagra ? Haaaalooo! we are now doing flashback lar!! where is your sense of time ??? at that time viagra not yet invented ok!! now lets get back to our story ...
Indian God OilCanto : Yaudou Sun yau, mm tan jee hor yee G choy, jung hor yee lor lei jou Oi!
Malayu : Minyak Ajaid India, bukan sekadar untuk memasak, tapi boleh digunakan untuk beromen jugak!
Yingrish : Indian God Oil, not only delicious for cooking, but also good for farking!
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