is like this geh....
tau keh pei yan tiu/no syok/no mood = i kena tiu 2 x ganda summore not the syok type wo........
and then... go holiday in phukiket never buy anything back for me woh..
and then have to OT 9 9 then kenot claim woh... fu lat arr...
summor waste my effort put fahwer here there to deco the tempat keje... mou yi hei mia taukeh.. summore this linpeh dunno sei go where dy.. also another mou yi hei colleague...
then the fler who impersonate Jeff Ooi and another blogger now damn mou seng kak la.. camou other ppl name then now my boss ham hoi me say i ask that fella sabo him wo.... my boss like to post his underwear mia brand, his prada mia vibrator, his two sided gucci dildo, his son mia funky slippers... kwan lei pei si meh....yoh... u dun like then dun komen lo... the blog his one mar.. not yours also... he founder ma.. he wan wipe his hingus all over it muh let him lor... why wan komen then kasi him panas jek..? why???
tiu lor(high note)?!?!?!... u tell me.. tiu or not..
summore kenot pok chui at my boss woh... if i kena fired or i kenot quit my job geh... i never study mar... only he will employ me geh.. so if kena terminated ...sure have to char tau hak sik liao.. become pengemis... tiu....
Please la.. dont irritate me liao lar.. please... i have enough to sei liao geh..
Very simple... dont like .... u can drop us a suggestion.. but dont komen like your grandfather can do better ok.. ..and if you think your grandpa indeed can do better.... please keep it to yourself cos we dont wanna know lar ok and simply because my ancestor is still the best geh.. *i lap you thai koong and thai por..*
set bor??? eh sai bor? simple small request ok... kam sia, sekian tima kacih, ten chu.
sleepi tim....