Now a little word about the contest … of coz ... this contest is only open for Celcom customers only la! If you notchet a Celcom customer then fast fast go check out their attractive packages!!! you might be the one to drive back the VW Golf wei!
Here are some links to help you choose wat kinda package suit you best!
If you’re looking for a plan that gives you absolute peace of mind, visit:www.celcom.com.my/celcomexec
If you’re looking for an intelligent mobile solution for your business needs, go to:www.celcom.com.my/biz
If you’re looking for fantasterrific deals with great bonuses, check out:www.celcom.com.my/celcomblue
In case you derno how to call back home when roaming, here is a guide to teach u how.
To make calls home while overseas, all you need to do is:
Key in <+>
Roam with Celcom Roam Saver *120* and you’ll also enjoy greater savings! Just dial *120*# and press DIAL.
Roaming also can have more savings!
Can win a VW Golf, Blackberry torch and best of all u will get to stay in touch with your love one during this festive season! This is as good as it gets man!