I derno last time (or currently) after exams and you were given your report card ... you still remember the feeling of handing over that report card to your oldman? The fear and agony ... the anxiety ... you sked your oldman will weck 9 u kaw kaw mia feeling .. phuh .... scary like fark man!!! LOL!!
As usual, the first thing i do after I fetch my kid home is to go thru his skool bag and can you imagine the look on my face when i saw a
REPORT CARD!!! my kid very first REPORT CARD!! OMFGBBQ!!!!
I opened it up and this is what i saw ....
Lil Devil's first report cardI never required my kid to be super intelligent or super genuis, all I want is for him to be a normal happy, healthy kid that loves his parents and enjoyed his life as a kid.
I m one of those who will not send my kid to learn piano, violin, computer etc etc etc. at the age of 5 just because i want that. If he wanna learn that by himself then its fine but I will not force him to learn anything as there is plenty of time for that in the later, when hes older.
A talkative and active student, didnt pay attention during lesson. Should concentrate a little more on studiesSo what if hes a little mischevious and hyper? hes still a kid and hes doing what a kid should do ler. Look at his teacher mia comment on him "
A talkative and active student, didnt pay attention during lesson. Should concentrate a little more on studies" altho ... I do agree that he need a little bit "encouragement" in the dicipline department a.k.a. "wecking" ... (thats under my jurisdiction one!) but otherwise i think hes enjoying his life as how a 5 yrs old should be and I also dun wanna be so hard on him ... i dont mean spoiling him but I cant keep pushing him to the edge one ma! rite anot?
I do not belif/ have no faith in the old (current) education systems (the one we were taught with) anymore. I m not discouraging you kids to study, no thats not my intention (infact you need to built a strong foundation first) but with the existance of internet everything changed. It changes the way we seek knowledge too!
If you look at 40 years ago, with a
SRP cert you can get a gomen officer job then in the 70s you need at least
SPM cert, in the 80s you need a
Degree is essential in the 90s and now in the new millinieum
Degree holders are abundant! So, whats next? Everyone kena get a
Master Degree then only can get a decent job? 10 years later everyone will hafta get a
At what age you can come out to work and start earning money if you continue to go thru all that years of studies? 40 yrs old ar? LOL!
Now, the way I look at it .... in this era as long as you know how to read you should be able to seek the knowledge that you required. Why am i thinking like this?
Well, lets say u acquired your knowledge the conventional way, u goto college/university spent 4 years there studying IT/programming and by the time you got out what you learnt there alredi obsolete! They got newer stuffs thats replacing what you learnt in skool ledi!
20 years ago, with a 8088 computer ... I learnt FOTRAN, BASIC, DBASE and COBOL, Now, today ... how many of you know WTF is BASIC, FOTRAN, DBASE and COBOL anymore? lol! see? see? its useless!!
So, it doesnt matter if your kids got high grades in his exams anot ... exams is like a test of memory. Gifted kids with photographic memories can ace an exams without much effort but do they know how to apply it when come to real life situation?
The way i figured, in this cyber age ... the only skill you need is to be able to read, and if you need to learn any extra skills ... all you need is a PC and a phone lines and viola! you are an expert ledi!!
Think about it! I think I tok enuff labish edi ... still cant get over seing my kid's 1st report card i guessed lol!
Have a nice weekeends ok?