29 December 2006

Its a Wantan Meen's Life

Not known to many people, I have this special relationship with Wantan Noodle since I was at a very young age ... i practically grow up alongside wantan noodle. My mum used to rent a stall at this kopitiam in Kampung Baru Ampang selling wantan noodle and everyday after school and on weekends I am forced at canepoint will have to goan help her.

Therefore I gets to eat wantan meen everyday! I think if you smell my breath carefully .... you could smell wantan meen! LOL!

Maybe i m addicted to it, I must eat wantan meen at least once a week or if possible 2-3 times a week would be better! Other than being a Wantan noodle addict I m also the wantan noodle expert! I know which wantan noodle stalls is good or bad and needless to say I could make very tasty wantan noodle too!

My favourite is of course the "Kon low" dark sauce wantan noodle, I never seems to be able to like the soup type ... derno why.

Now my little devil seems to Inherited this wantan meen addict genes, same like me he too loves the dark sauce type of wantan noodle not forgetting the wantan too!

After a few years of being married to me, my wife seems to be fond of wantan noodle as much as me and our little devil.

Now I can truly claim that we are surely one Wantan Meen family!

Spring onions or i believed its called shallots in yingrish can really enhanced and bring out the flavour of a plate of wantan noodle, I always asked for extras when i place my order.

Charsiew - BBQ pork
I m very selective when it comes to charsiew, most charsiew are not properly roasted these days as charsiew roasting requires alotsa time and patient. Nowadays they just dye the pork with red dye and cincai cincai cook it .... lazy farkers! Thats why i rather not to have any charsiew at all than having bad charsiew.

This is "Jai-Meen" which means vegetarian wantan noodle. I m not really a great fan of meat, I do eat meat but if its possible I would prefer to go without any.

Prawn Wantan
Most of the wantan noodle stalls would only offer pork wantan, but some more upscale restaurants would replace the pork wantan with prawn wantan and of course in the process they will ask you to pay more la!

Stir Fried wantan noodle
Actually wantan noodle is pretty versatile, you can use it to make soup noodle or dry sauce noodle or even fry it.

Other stuffs that would go well with Wantan Noodle :

Pickle Green Chillis
This pickle green chilli are being made by soaking precut green chillis into vinegar for at least 2 days. They are not as "hot/spicy" as they used to be and it also have this sour sweet taste to it. a perfect compliment to wantan noodle.

BBQ pork ribs :
BBQ pork ribs is also a great compliment to wantan noodle, sadly this dish is not widely available and because it is difficult to prepare less and less wantan meen stalls carry them in their menu.

What would a wantan meen be without wantan right?! But as human being is getting lazier and greedier, today you cant seems to find very tasty wantan with all kinda ingredient in them.

Roast Pork
Roast pork is still is one of the favourite dish enjoyed by the chinese community all year round but little do people know that roast pork goes well with wantan noodle too!

Soya bean Milk and Chinese Tea
After all that wantan noodle and bbq pork and wantan and roast pork rib and roast pork you definitely need something to wash down all the food with right? Soya Milk and chinese tea seems to be one of the best and healthy choice.

Ok kautim! Now could anyone tell me where I can find a nice plate of wantan meen in KL?


  1. if visit my hometown try the kolo mee.

  2. Anonymous2:07 am

    I know where got chun beef noodle wan tan meen!! Wan to try anot? Belanja la!!

  3. Anonymous2:10 am

    Yummy! *slurp*

  4. Anonymous8:41 am

    ah nel, u fr swk?

    my fav shop is in wai sek kai in Happy Garden, old klang road. so far so good

  5. not sure about kl but there's one stall in SS2, PJ that sells damn farking delicious wantan mee. the noodle, soup, wantan all damn nice wei. i've forgotten the name cos it's been a while since i've gone to that shop.

  6. Anonymous9:45 am

    Aww.. Hungry hungry! Reading this post early in the morning. *Drool Drool*

  7. Anonymous9:59 am

    WAahahah I'M hUNGrYyYY!!!

    So nice you can post up so many pictures with the lag, I can't even view all of your pictures >.<

    And I can't msg on your CBox!!!

    Lets go clubbing! ^.^

  8. Anonymous10:18 am

    Waaahh...very gooood neh.. good for my cholesterol level..

  9. Anonymous10:23 am

    if you don't mind, go to bentung town lah... just 1/2 hour drive... most people "sik cho fan cham mei".... the mee is good...don't expect anything about the char siew... just few slices n is the dye type lah...but acceptable

  10. Anonymous11:14 am

    "Other than being a Wantan noodle addict I m also the wantan noodle expert! I know which wantan noodle stalls is good or bad and needless to say I could make very tasty wantan noodle too!"

    alerh!! I tot you gonna tell where to find good Wantan noodle in KL...silap silap when I was about to ask you that Q, I see this..

    "Ok kautim! Now could anyone tell me where I can find a nice plate of wantan meen in KL?"

    DANG!! haha

  11. Anonymous11:43 am

    1) Jalan Pudu- It is at the same row as the Maybank branch and a bit further up at a corner of a T junction. The Hakka owner makes the noodle himself and there is no preservative. It is up to you to order in either black sauce or without. I prefer without so that the original taste is not tainted.

    2) I used to prefer Koon Kee noodles but alas the "spring" in their noodles are no longer there.

  12. Anonymous2:06 pm

    weeee.long ago beside my mom's shop got one stall sell wan tan mee wan.i miss tht place..now all gone d lu..
    for me i won eat wantan mee witout green lat jiu!

    ya lets go clubbing ANYONE WANA JOIN? wingz say blanja ger

  13. hehe..
    padang's wantan mee in penang.

  14. If visit my hometown i bring u eat the best kampua mee

  15. koo lok mee in sitiwan!
    so near to bidor

  16. Anonymous4:53 pm

    Clare is right..itis exactly like kampua mee :)

  17. Anonymous4:58 pm

    kolo mee locks!

  18. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Padang wan tan mee nice meh? I only know Padang lok lok not bad. Kekeke...

    Yea, clubbing clubbing!!

  19. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Only good wantan mee stall will make good soup noodle. You never fond of it because you never meet one, kekekekekekek. And a good bowl of soup noodle should have only 2/3 bowl of soup, and this will make 1/3 of the noodle stay above the soup "breathing".

    Acidulous : The dark sauce are caramel, not dark soya sauce. It flow like thick honey. The stall must thinning the sauce with hot water, soya sauce,etc. Look for the "elephant" brand, a rectangular old time sauce bottle.

  20. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Wah, it is rather tiring snailing with this speed. Let's go for a good wantan mee, eh but you never recommended any good places for wantan mee since you got a Master in Wantan Meen at Makan-makan University

  21. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Try these:
    1. Ming Kee at Taman Bukit Maluri, Kepong
    2. 8888 at Damansara Perdana, PJ
    3. Petaling Street... can't remember the name...

    If you can't find it, belanja me and I will show you the way. Muahahah...

  22. Anonymous11:07 pm

    I tried one at Pj near DIGI center there.

    nice food but pricy...3 plates, side order wan tan, drinks.... -> 3 person...price rm40++..

  23. ahnel : which stall best? i tried it before but kinda suck ler

    aceone : come la! when?

    plink : come korkor bring u go eat wantan meen!

    acidulous : make sauce ar? saue got 2 types ... salty or sweet which one u like? see if this weekend i free anot ... if free i goan make wantan meen n blog bout it

    invisibleghost : happy garden got wai sek kai one? i know got food court oni jek ...

    ee wei: wei got landmark anot jek? near what building one? got map anot ?

    lehbit : haha then u can have wantan meen for lunch ler

    huei : wuah u wanna date me say so lar! what go clubbing jek?!! lol

    ahpek : wantan meen if u dun put pork lard no cholesterol problem wan wat ?

    Anon: wuah bentong town ka? go abit up arrive genting ledi wor

    blueapple : kakaka i only familiar with the wantan meen stalls in ampang only wor dats why now looking for other stalls in and around kl lor

    belle : u also wanna date me??!! your mum got shop one har? wuah rich girl!

    pink plincess : ok ... nx time i go pennag i ask 5xmom to bring me to padang eat wantan mee tenkiu!

    clare : your hometown is where har?

    lmf : sitiawan fehmes for kolo mee??? where ?

    anon2 : yea agree!!! kolo meen yocks!!!

    bryan : next time i go penang u blanja me padang's wantan meen ok?

    moo_t : haha no ler i dun any soup noodle also not only wantan mee.

    fried tomato : koon kei in petaling street not bad wor!

    james : the one in petaling street is koon kei wantan meen rite? i derno how to go damansara perdana and tmn bukit maluri la ... when u wanna bring me?

    anon : wuah!!! 3 flers eat wantan mee for RM40++??!! u can ask that fler to fly kite la!!!

  24. do u know the way to SS2 from LDP? then maybe i can direct you from there.

  25. HAIYA! make ppl hungry onli summore reading this at 2am where to curb the hunger? >.< #@#$$@$!# =P

  26. dengz! make ppl so hungry summore 2am liaoz where to find wanton mee now? >.< @##@$#@%

  27. Anonymous5:16 am

    eh the pork ribs look blardy delicious man ... got a lil burnt ... damn cun!!!

  28. Anonymous11:33 am

    Me hail from Ipoh and to be honest, so far only one restaurant in SS2 got this nice 1 tonne me ... Come to Ipoh and there's loads of nice 1 tan mee .... Their char siew is red in color rather than blacky like those in KL..besides than that, their wantan, the skin is thin thin with loads of chu yuk .... Damn nice ... compare with KL one, the skin is 2-3 layers and the meat is no bigger than my taik hidung ... hahahahaha ...
    P/S I'm a wantan addict too ... then again, I'm a ROJAKS ADDICK!!


  29. Anonymous5:56 pm

    There are 2 stalls worth trying in PJ State. One is at this kopitiam right beside UOB Bank. The other one is at this kopitiam(behind Kedai Telekom shop).
    If you happened to be in Kuching, ask the cab or friends to take you to Kota Padawan or 10th mile bazaar (which also means it's 10 miles away from town), must try the kolo mee at this shop called Swee Sen. You must order its special which comes with home-made fish balls and huge prawn. The shop is always packed on weekends.

  30. Anonymous7:56 pm

    @anony, where is ss2? i always go there

    wingz, got wai sek kai, call medan ramah, the new happy garden, u come i take u there. u got msn? so far ppl i bring there say nice

  31. invisibleghost :ya im from s'wak...

    wingz :try the one in Green Road but i forgot the shop name ledi...

    if u like to eat pig spare part kolo mee/cheng kolo mee go lau ya kheng... ;)

  32. k i found out the name of the shop adi. it's called Restaurant Ho Weng Kee. as you turn in to SS2 from LDP, turn to the right on the first turning. go furthur straight and you'll see a row of shophouses. it's there, somewhere at the end (near the end of the 3rd row if im not mistaken. there are 4 rows i think).

  33. Anonymous3:14 pm

    last time kam lun tai in petaling street makes freakin good wantan mee too, and their siu yuk is blardy good too ...

    the one beside jalan loke yew? where there is a lot of machienry shops wan, just right after de boss ... great siu yuk also ... wantan mee and roast stuff ...

  34. Anonymous12:49 am

    james: that 8888 at damansara perdana i know where it is will give it try on the coming week. Thanks for the suggestion

    wingz: the one at petaling street mentioned few times, it must be good. but ya there got many stalls selling right?

  35. fried tomato- petaling street wan for sure they meant Khoon Kee it one and only shop nearby the air mata kuching stall but it at the opposite la... =P

  36. Anonymous2:15 am

    I must admit too.


    i can eat everyday also not sien oh..


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