Things beginning to turn ugly for Jess Ross (the owner), the owner of the so called "defective Honda Accord" this morning when i wake up ... a check on my facebook's wall is showing Jess Ross latest update that looked like this :

And if you are using a phone browser i'll cut n paste the text here for your reading pleasure :
So, you spent 140k to buy a car and you found it to be defective .... you complained and they dont give a fark, then u do watever you can to get their attention and NOW, instead of fixing the CAR THAT YOU BOUGHT FOR 140K! They trying to shut you up by suing you!!!
You gave them 140k and they sue the shit outta you!! Hows That for "The Power of Dreams"? whose dreams izzit now? ours or them? LMAO!!!
There you have it ... its your money ... you decide!
Jess Ross Honda Malaysia's Lawyers have just sent me a legal notice. They threaten to sue me for Defamation. Not only did i spent RM140k plus to buy their car and now
they pulak want to sue. Keep it locked for more updates... coming soon.
So, you spent 140k to buy a car and you found it to be defective .... you complained and they dont give a fark, then u do watever you can to get their attention and NOW, instead of fixing the CAR THAT YOU BOUGHT FOR 140K! They trying to shut you up by suing you!!!
You gave them 140k and they sue the shit outta you!! Hows That for "The Power of Dreams"? whose dreams izzit now? ours or them? LMAO!!!
There you have it ... its your money ... you decide!