26 September 2009

Fighting Video of Gary Chaw and Justin Lo in Hong Kong

Just in case you dint know how it happened ... here izzit for your viewing pleasure :)

Those who are still blur blur lemme enlighten u abit ... few days ago Malaysian born singer Gary Chaw had a huge fight with (his supposingly best fwen) Justin Lo (Jaktin - HK fehmes singer) on the street of Hong Kong ...

What happened? What the video la!

Wah lau eh so lan the drama wan!!! got Berus Lee jump here jump there also!! this Gary Chaw dem brutal ok? LOL!


  1. LOL. Damn funny the commentor.

  2. no pickures to c geh ?

    U SO FUNI...

    I like d "if u beh song me " plse X comments !!!! haha

  3. Wingz, the link down ad la...no other substitute meh? I hvn't watch yet...

  4. video no longer available lah...

  5. Video repost!! its werking now!


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