29 November 2011
28 November 2011
There are two kinda people in this world
15 June 2011
Tunetalk Incubus Concert
This time I got good news for those Ahbengs who love tp kap band wan! I know alotsa Ahbengs wannabe rockstars one! Dont fake fake la! I know ledi wan ok? Acherly I also got dream about bekambing rockstar also … Ahlians very the lum rockstars wan can? Lol!
I will tell you why izzit now is a very the good time to start picking up the guitar and make your rockstar dream kambing true! Got this rock band from Amadika call INCUBUS (fehmes Ahbeng rock bands for the angmoh lidat la!) they kam here mau bikin rock concert ah! Itu hansem mia company Tune Talk bwing them kam wan!

The Good news is … this time kan …. the opening act of Incubus concert is gonna be selected (voted) by fans in an all-inclusive battle of the bands - Open 4 Incubus Contest!

In this contest, bands will kena bikin audio or video of their performance and kasi upload to youtube, later this video will be posted on tunetalk facebook wall and their fansee will vote lor. Highest vote mia band will get to perform the opening act at the Incubus concert in July! Fehmes sial!!!
So dont wait long long la!!! fast fast start jamming la!! Fehmes ledi got dem lotsa Ahlians will lum you deep deep wan leh! Haha!
For more information on this Open 4 Incubus contest please goto http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&¬e_id=10150298461545761

But … if you like me … dunch habe any muscial genes wan but still wanna go n watch the Incubus concert … I got lobang for you! FREE wan la of coz! Coz I know u all Ahbengs is same as kiamsiap as me mah! Kakakaka! Kiamsiap is a good quality ok? Kiamsiap can make u lich wan! So dun shy shy can? Lol
okok back to the free concert tixs... its lidis one la! Got 2 lehlio stesen is giving away FREE VIP and ROCKSTAR Incubus concert tixs, that 2 lehlio stesen is FLYFM and HOTFM. They will bikin contest to let u win these tixs la .. so dun forget to tune into FLYFM and HOTFM wei!
Lemme now tell you the different between VIP tixs n ROCKSTAR tixs la … VIP tixs winner will be invited to pre-cocktail Incubus party and they will let you in early into the concert. ROCKSTART ticket is suoer yeng one wei! They send big big car to pick you up at your house to the concert like fehmes hollywood style plus invitation to cocaktail party and masuk to concert early also! Shiok anot?!! I hear also wet wet ledi lol!

I know wat you thinking … u tink hor … wat if I no musical genes and no contest genes but only got money genes?
Lidat easy la! Since u got money genes then you go buy the tixs la! No nid to join contest or plektis jamming one you lazy prick! Lol!!
Tixs can be purchased thru www.airasiaredtix.com Tickets are going for RM203 (normal price), or RM183 if you are a TuneTalk.com subscriber.
Dun wait la!!! let Rockers Incubus Rock your Smelly Socks la!!!
25 April 2011
Ahbeng Elik excuse for not turning up for Exam
17 April 2011
14 April 2011
The RM203,000 WeBUY Community Giveaway Project

12 April 2011
Air France Airbus A380-800 (F-HPJD) Clips a Comair Bombardier CRJ-700 (N641CA) at JFK Airport NY

The below footage showing how an Air France A380 Airbus wing slightly glazed the tail of a small plane in New York JFK International airport USA.
An Air France Airbus A380-800 (F-HPJD) Clips a Comair Bombardier CRJ-700 (N641CA) at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport
11 April 2011
The All New Petronas PRIMAX95 XTRA!!!
- Firstly ... this PRIMAX95 XTRA is a new class of fuel inspired by the developement in Formula one fuel technology!
- This PETRONAS PRIMAX95 XTRA will be able to give you improved acceleration and fuel economy thus more milage per liter! BESTEST!!! a very welokam news that eases the wallet in times lidis!
- PRIMAX95 XTRA also comes with UPGRADED detergents to clean your engine more effectively from within, this itself will improve your engine performance thus giving you better acceleration and better milage lor!
- It will be made available to everyone from 10th April onwards in all Petronas Station nationwide!
- SAME PRICE!!!! Same like others RON95!!! BEST!